Re: Subversion Lifetime Achievement Award (was Re: GNU diff)

2011-02-06 Thread Simon Wistow
On Sun, Feb 06, 2011 at 03:19:21PM +0100, Marco Von Ballmoos said: I would have said exactly the same thing before I learned git, but you're missing out. It's worth learning, but it's hateful for making itself seem so intimidating -- and for including so few safeguards or, at the very

Re: emacs

2010-12-17 Thread Simon Wistow
On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 11:30:44PM +, Matthew King said: Emacs why do you put '# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-' at the top of my files? Why did you put it back when I took it out? Why did you do all that and not tell me how to get rid of it once and for all. Oh, that's easy - C-x M- ^- C-x

Re: Hating our product's CLI shell

2010-09-23 Thread Simon Wistow
On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 12:00:24PM +0200, Dagfinn Ilmari Mannsåker said: This is because the python prompt is just a REPL and they are just objects that stringify to the text and do their thing when called as a function. The reason license needs to be called as a function is that it's so

Re: What the fsck? (Firefox 3)

2009-11-27 Thread Simon Wistow
On Fri, Nov 27, 2009 at 01:29:26PM +, Roger Burton West said: I should like to find the person who decided that since bookmarks and history were both lists of URLs they ought to be integrated in a single database. I should like to shake him warmly by the throat until his head comes off.


2009-01-05 Thread Simon Wistow
On Tue, Dec 30, 2008 at 07:13:06PM +0100, demerphq said: You see RPM thinks that any given file can only have one source. That's mostly but not strictly trues. AFAIK you can differentiate between files it installs and what it claims it supplies. By default they're the same but you can make it

Kill. All. Hippies^W Database people

2008-09-29 Thread Simon Wistow
My app needs some databases set up. because I'm a good boy the SQL that's needed for the schemas is included with the app and there's even a command to run it for you and get everything set up. Wünderbar. Except, can you spot what's wrong with this SQL statement? CREATE TABLE IF NOT

Re: Mutt, was Re: iTunes is unable to browse album covers on this computer

2008-08-27 Thread Simon Wistow
On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 05:29:36PM -0500, David Champion said: I get that you hate mutt. I don't care. Or, to put it another way o/~ I like small Mutt's and I cannot lie ... o/~ I'll, I'll just get my coat shall I?

Java's anonymous inner classes

2008-04-05 Thread Simon Wistow
So Jav allows you to have anonymous inner classes. For example this is a really easy (if ugly) way to run something asynchronously new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { // do some stuff } }).start(); All well and good. But there is one down side.

Re: Cancel or Skip?

2007-10-23 Thread Simon Wistow
On Tue, Oct 23, 2007 at 12:56:16PM +1300, Mike Beattie said: It's all about the (lack of) punctuation. Eats Shoots and Fails?

[OFF LIST] Re: The hates-software archives

2007-08-07 Thread Simon Wistow
On Mon, Aug 06, 2007 at 04:05:48PM +0200, A. Pagaltzis said: Every single weblog where I've ever left a comment used internal anchors to make comments linkable individually. That makes the hates-software permalink pages *the worst* of any blog engine I have ever seen. If you send me a list of


2007-04-29 Thread Simon Wistow
I was recommended uTorrent last year and have been using it since. I was generally pleased with it - my two issues being that when it was on then I couldn't open new sockets - no new SSH connections, no reading web pages, no starting up the daemon that's part of my current project. I accepted

Re: Motorola RAZR v3 buttons and menus

2007-04-16 Thread Simon Wistow
On Sun, Apr 15, 2007 at 01:49:54PM +0100, Earle Martin said: What, and pay money for the privilege of doing so? No thanks, I think I'll live without the photo. On mine, sending also stores the photo. Software version is R374_G_0E.40.3CR (you can get this by pressing *## quickly)

Re: Possibly PuTTY, possibly something else. It's still hate.

2007-01-24 Thread Simon Wistow
On Tue, Jan 23, 2007 at 05:44:27PM -0500, seph said: My Putty hasn't ever done that. Active or inactive. I am indescribably happy for you.

Possibly PuTTY, possibly something else. It's still hate.

2007-01-23 Thread Simon Wistow
Given that PuTTY is generally pretty damn nifty I'm willing to possibly lay the blame on something else (for example, XP itself. Or a a peice of Virtual Desktop software I'm running called Virtual Dimension) hwoever the hate still stands with ... with SOMETHING DAMMIT. And it smells like this.

Re: Possibly PuTTY, possibly something else. It's still hate.

2007-01-23 Thread Simon Wistow
On Tue, Jan 23, 2007 at 03:19:11PM -0500, seph said: While all software is hateful, the windows's close window button on the title bar works fine. If your window manager hides that, then it's truely hateful. Weirdly enough that was my first port of call - it's not hidden it's just greyed out.

Re: yum and its stupid config files

2006-11-07 Thread Simon Wistow
On Tue, Nov 07, 2006 at 03:13:49PM +0100, Juerd said: Earle Martin skribis 2006-11-07 14:10 (+): FQIDAxYCAQIeAQIXgAAKCRClPQurRD4YISH0AJ9zmx2JPGt8ELKo3aE0YoGg6EYipwCdH3kR ^^^ That's urR, not rRD. I wonder in which wonderfully amazing way your software screwed

Re: Eclipse

2006-10-30 Thread Simon Wistow
On Mon, Oct 30, 2006 at 10:42:58AM +, Earle Martin said: Incidentally, I hate the hates-software blog-style archive because it can't cope with Unicode. Contrast the above with: Fixed in SVN

Re: iTunes on Windows

2006-10-03 Thread Simon Wistow
On Tue, Oct 03, 2006 at 01:04:30PM +0100, Dave Hodgkinson said: Why repeat? I've jsut had to rename a bunch of mp3's where the band name is in some Manadrin character set. I'm estimating that 99% of my songs have different titles. Hence needing to repeat. Although I didn't know about the

Lucene's Index opening modes

2006-09-13 Thread Simon Wistow
I don't know about you, dear hates-software reader, but, in general, when wanting to write something like an index for a search engine I have two major uses cases. The first is - open the index and start using it. The second is - open the index, if it doesn't exists then create it, then use

tcsh's conditionals

2006-07-19 Thread Simon Wistow
Oh tcsh - so much to despise about you my little hate dumpling stuffed with loathsomeness. How we could while away the evenings talking about your little pecadillos. I can picture it now - you'd be on the floor cowering and I'd be standing over you, repeatedly hitting you using a bat with a

Re: DRM can bite my ass

2006-07-12 Thread Simon Wistow
On Wed, Jul 12, 2006 at 02:27:32PM +0300, Jarkko Hietaniemi said: I guess they fired those developers because they had to pay the salaries of the Brushed Metal Clan.

Re: putty - please to be remembering what I told you

2006-07-12 Thread Simon Wistow
On Tue, Jul 11, 2006 at 07:52:23PM +0100, me said: GAH GAH GAH GAH! bloody mail clients.

Re: putty - please to be remembering what I told you

2006-07-12 Thread Simon Wistow
On Wed, Jul 12, 2006 at 08:43:09AM +0100, I said: GAH GAH GAH GAH! bloody mail clients. Right, found in /tmp/mutt-{mumble}. Following simple but convoluted instructions my linux machines are all now fully UTF-8 aware. HUZZAH! 99% of my Linux time is spent using screen for IRC and mail.

Re: putty - please to be remembering what I told you

2006-07-12 Thread Simon Wistow
On Wed, Jul 12, 2006 at 08:45:33AM +0100, me said: Right, where's that other bottle of German booze? It has been pointed out to me that there are, apparently, these things called 'manuals' of which i have previously been unaware.

Re: Re: Start - Shut Down - Log Out

2006-07-11 Thread Simon Wistow
On Tue, Jul 11, 2006 at 10:42:07AM +0930, Bill Page said: the only useful thing i can think of about the windows key is windows+e brings up windows explorer though i assume there's another way of doing that anyway? Windows-m minimises and unminimises everything which is hella useful

putty - please to be remembering what I told you

2006-07-11 Thread Simon Wistow

Re: DRM can bite my ass

2006-07-10 Thread Simon Wistow
On Mon, Jul 10, 2006 at 10:50:57AM -0500, sabrina downard said: is it too early in the morning to start drinking? The sun is over the yard arm somewhere in the world, I say go for it.

Re: python and its dlopen implementation

2006-01-31 Thread Simon Wistow
On Tue, Jan 31, 2006 at 12:29:19PM +0100, Phil Pennock said: Software hate of mine: RPC libraries which include some cryptographic checksums which are almost-MD5 but called MD5. MD5 with a different initialisation vector. But the internal library uses the same function names as the standard

python and its dlopen implementation

2006-01-25 Thread Simon Wistow
It's a lovely sunny Wednesday. I recline, trendily, in my Herman Miller Aeron chair and take a sip from my Latte revelling in my meeja world comfort. I get a phone call. The python wrapper round a C library I recently released a new version of is not working claiming that it can't find some