They (read: me) like my performance so much on IRC that I thought I'd
bring hates-software this week's episode of "Are you sure?", starring
VMWare Tools Pointlessly Expensive Edition.

VMWare: You can upgrade me.
Me: Click.
VMWare: Click on this button to upgrade.
Me: Click.
VMWare: This process will upgrade me. Continue? 
Me: Click.
VMWare: This application is going to do an upgrade. Continue?
Me: Click.
VMWare: OK I'm done.
Me: Click.
VMWare: Oh you need to restart.
Me: Click No.
VMWare: But I really need to restart and I will if you don't do anything.
VMWare: Oops too late. Bye!


I must take issue with the term "a mere child", for it has been my
invariable experience that the company of a mere child is infinitely
preferable to that of a mere adult.
                                           --  Fran Lebowitz

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