On Mon, Mar 03, 2008 at 12:04:24AM -0500, David Mackintosh wrote:
> > Who the hell thinks software really should work this way?
> Well I do, but only because I can figure out what stage failed to work
> when it inevitably fails to work.
> Linux kernel writers seem to agree, judging from the reams and reams
> and reams of noise that your typical linux computer spits out when
> booting.  

the noise doesn't bother me as much as the formatting inconsistency.
the bootup is difficult to parse, either manually or with a machine.
BSD (and friends) do much better in this area.

foo0 at bar0: some comment here
foo0: more information about device foo


this appears to be a foo
putting workarounds in place for subtype foo since it is yukky
message about foo that doesn't even have the string "foo" on the line

  Aaron J. Grier | "Not your ordinary poofy goof." | agr...@poofygoof.com

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