Okay, for those of you for whom the above is not sufficient, let me elaborate:

I use the following idiom to expand archives of various sorts:

$ unzip archive.zip && rm archive.zip
$ gunzip archive.gz && rm archive.gz
$ bunzip2 archive.bz2 && rm archive.bz2

So good, so far. However, unrar, in its transcendent hatefulness, doesn't work
that way. Oh no, of course not! No, the magic invocation is:

$ unrar x archive.rar && rm archive.rar

Fine, I generally remember to type the extra 'x', but what happens when I omit
it? unrar helpfully prints out an error/usage message. That's nice. Helpful,
even. But then it returns a 0 status code. That's not so NICE! You didn't
succeed, you moronic program! You FAILED to do what I asked! And thanks to your
deceitful ways, I've just wiped out the archive, and now must re-download it!

Timothy Knox <mailto:t...@thelbane.com>
The one thing I've learned about freedom of expression is that you really
ought to keep that sort of thing to yourself.
    -- Scott Adams, _I'm Not Anti-Business, I'm Anti-Idiot_

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