Re: [Heb-NACO] Online Ladino reference resources?

2022-12-15 Thread Heidi G Lerner via Heb-naco
Hi Lili, That is a good question with a less than satisfactory answer. Unfortunately Ladino does not have a standard orthography and lacks a single authoritative or normative dictionary to be employed for the romanization of Ladino. For words of Hebrew/Aramaic derivation, as per the ALA/LC tabl

[Heb-NACO] Online Ladino reference resources?

2022-12-15 Thread Lili Brown via Heb-naco
Hi all, I'm new to the world of Hebraica cataloging (started at Stanford in September!) and am curious if folks have any recommendations for online reference resources that they use when romanizing Ladino. I'm working on ordering the physical dictionaries that the ALA/LC romanization chart list