Bison version 2.3 has been released.

This is mostly a porting and bug-fix release; the only change to
user-visible behavior is to the YYRECOVERING macro in GLR grammars, as
noted near the end of this message.

Bison is a parser generator that is compatible with Yacc.
Please see <> for more info.

Here are the URLs for the gzip and bzip2 compressed tar images:

Here are their MD5 and SHA1 checksums, respectively:

22327efdd5080e2b1acb6e560a04b43a  bison-2.3.tar.gz
c18640c6ec31a169d351e3117ecce3ec  bison-2.3.tar.bz2
4df84c2c5971946111ff1982fb830b3c78d7c57e  bison-2.3.tar.gz
7e489f35c6d8171f0cb0cad3dda0fb39f2cb0b62  bison-2.3.tar.bz2

To try this version, please make sure you have GNU m4 1.4.4 installed.
Then obtain the file bison-2.3.tar.gz, and execute the following shell
commands or their equivalents:

   gunzip <bison-2.3.tar.gz | tar xf -
   cd bison-2.3
   make check

We particularly appreciate tests on unusual hosts.
Please report bugs to <>.

As usual, thanks to everyone who has contributed bug reports and
improvements to Bison.

Here is a list of user-visible changes in version 2.3, as compared to 2.2.

* GLR grammars should now use `YYRECOVERING ()' instead of `YYRECOVERING',
  for compatibility with LALR(1) grammars.

* It is now documented that any definition of YYSTYPE or YYLTYPE should
  be to a type name that does not contain parentheses or brackets.


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