On Mon, 13 Oct 2008, Jim Michaels wrote:

> as I basically said before, My stack and dequeue template class is
> written in C++.  

I didn't understand this.  I thought you might have meant that 
you needed some features from the C++ parser class.

> I could possibly rewrite it in C (why?), but my
> compiler doesn't like calling C++ code from within C files.  

>From the point of view of a C++ compiler, there's no such thing as 
a C file.  With a few exceptions, a C++ compiler should compile 
correct ANSI-C code without any problems.  You might need to specify 
C-linkage for some function or other to prevent name-mangling.  I
don't think I had to do this for `yyparse' when I was using the MS
Visual C++ compiler, but it shouldn't be a problem if it is necessary.

> perhaps
> an extern "C++" {} is necessary.  I don't know what will make it
> work.  even then it's extern.  I am trying to include the header
> which has the class definition so I can use it.  

I don't know what you mean by this.  

One thing that occurred to me is that you might be having problems if
you're putting your date-time specification together in the scanner.
It might work better if you just let the scanner return the elements
as tokens, e.g., `UNSIGNED_INT', `COLON', `HYPHEN', etc., and assemble the
date-time specification in the parser.  That's what I do in the
scanner-parser pair for the program I'm working on now and it works fine.

Scanning character-by-character, as discussed before, should solve the
problem if your scanner is somehow missing an `EOF' and then blocking.
I can't think of any reason why it would be a problem.

Laurence Finston

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