Le 12 janv. 2010 à 04:17, Peng Yu a écrit :

> In Levine' flex & bison book, it mentioned "As should be apparent by
> now, the C++ support in bison is nowhere near as mature as the C
> support,..." on page 241 (Chapter 9).

Well, one of the two has been existing for about thirty years :)

> I'm still learning bison and haven't finish reading all the previous
> chapters. Could somebody point to me explicitly in what aspects C++
> support is not as mature as C support?

I confess that sometimes the interface changes slightly.  And we have less 
experience about portability issues.  But I have been using it personally for 
years, and it works.

> Are there any features that C++ support is better than C support? (I
> know C++ location is better according to the book, anything else?)

Well, being C++ is already something better than being C.  For instance the 
current version in the repository supports objects as semantical values, which 
means you can rely on the destructors and so forth.

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