> Actually, the parser was not really meant to be subclassed.  Maybe that was
> an error, agreed.

In addition, the yyerror() function could be pure virtual. Adding functions
into libraries like this is what virtual functions are for :) It would also
alleviate the need for yylex() to take additional arguments in quite a few
cases, because those arguments could be just data members of the derived

The latest versions of Visual Studio and GCC both support move semantics, as
does Clang and Comeau- basically all of the major compilers, as far as I
know, now support rvalue references in their latest versions and sometimes
going back a considerable way.

Actually it is plain standard C++ (it's a deque), and it's useful.  What is
> painful though is that it is a separate file.  I'd like to merge it into the
> header file once for all (but backward compat will have to be maintained in
> some way).

Sure, but you'd still have to update it, and configure it, for if the
compiler supports rvalue references. If you just used a deque directly then
you would not have to worry about it.

> Yes, indeed, but that's a whole new project you asking for here.  Bison is
> a parser generator, not yet a parser-and-ast generator.

That's probably true. I don't actually know that much about the Bison
implementation- it's full of tables and stuff and I don't understand it
tremendously well. What I really should have said is that I found it a
slight pain when dealing with recursive rules to build data structures of
those rules, which maintain the order they should do- especially when
multiple recursive rules is invoked separately and repeatedly in the same
construct. The problem with the existing functional programming style is
that you can't pass anything *forwards*, only backwards- unless you're
feeling brave with the minus numbers. One of the things I could suggest is
instead of using goto to jump between states, you could use mutually
recursive functions. The advantage of this is that firstly, each function
can be strongly typed without the need for a hold-all union or variant, and
secondly, each function can be given user-defined additional arguments on a
per-function basis. Of course, I don't know how much effort it would be to
enable such a design.

The variant design you post about would be a massive improvement and solve a
lot of my problems relating to using Bison. Right now I am using a
(relatively) complex arrangement in my user-defined argument to hold the
correct data structure for various recursive rules, and it's quite complex
and hard to reason about. I'm using Bison 2.5 and don't see anything about a
%variant option. I will look through the link you posted and see what I can
make happen with it.

On 27 July 2011 17:42, Akim Demaille <a...@lrde.epita.fr> wrote:

> Le 26 juil. 2011 à 17:17, Mark Boyall a écrit :
> Hi!
> > I've got a couple of simple suggestions for the C++ parser generator.
> >
> > Firstly, yylex() should be declared as a (pure) virtual function in the
> > parser interface. This would make using it re-entrantly significantly
> easier
> > and would mean that the user does not have to declare it.
> Actually, the parser was not really meant to be subclassed.  Maybe that was
> an error, agreed.
> > Secondly, stack.hh should be replaced with the Standard stack class. This
> > will ensure that users who have move support can use move-only classes
> when
> > interacting with Bison.
> Actually it is plain standard C++ (it's a deque), and it's useful.  What is
> painful though is that it is a separate file.  I'd like to merge it into the
> header file once for all (but backward compat will have to be maintained in
> some way).
> Where do you use move semantics?  Are you using some C++-11 compiler?
> > Thirdly, I suggest that Bison should generate it's own AST classes, with
> > inheritance being used to link rules which have alternatives. This would
> > solve, mostly, the problem of the semantic types only being POD data
> types.
> Yes, indeed, but that's a whole new project you asking for here.  Bison is
> a parser generator, not yet a parser-and-ast generator.
> Have you experienced the %variant mode in Bison development version?  It
> works well, and avoids this nasty POD issue.  Have a look at
> http://www.lrde.epita.fr/~akim/download/bison-2.4.570-7a582.tar.bz2.  Look
> for variant in the documentation.  The following example shows what you can
> do.  I need to polish and publish this :(  Help would be most welcome.
> %type <::std::string> item;
> %type <::std::list<std::string>> list;
> %%
> result:
>  list  { std::cout << $1 << std::endl; }
> ;
> list:
>  /* nothing */ { /* Generates an empty string list */ }
> | list item     { std::swap ($$, $1); $$.push_back ($2); }
> ;
> item:
>  TEXT          { std::swap ($$, $1); }
> | NUMBER        { $$ = string_cast ($1); }
> ;
> %%
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