Dear All,
  I write a .l file and a .y file to parse the struct: somebody=age, and the
result is to print somebody's age is .... But the parser can work at the
first time, at the second time it reports wrong although input is right. I
don't know why, and here is the code:

#include ""
extern void yyerror( char*);
[a-zA-Z]+       {yylval.str=strdup(yytext); return NAME;}
[0-9]+                {yylval.num = atoi(yytext); return AGE;}
[ \t\n]               {;}
[=;]                  {return yytext[0];}
.                     {ECHO; yyerror ("unexpected character");}


int yywrap (void) {return 1;}



extern int yylex();
void yyerror(const char*);
char* str;
int   num;
%token <str> NAME
//%token '='
%token <num> AGE

 | NAME '=' AGE  {printf("the man %s's age is%d\n",$1,$3 );}
void yyerror(const char*s)
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", s);
int main()
return yyparse();

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