Dear All,


it would certainly help if the C++ generated parser would allocate the stack 
using std::vector so that constructors and destructors are automatically called.

And this would also make certain that the parser stack is only limited by the 
amount of memory.

This also would obsolete the destructor feature of bison since this would be 
handled by C++.

It would be a nice feature if the parser would support something like 
boost::variant for the token class.

It may be some generated class similar to boost::variant, since boost::variant 
is likely limited to a certain number of entries.

It would also be nice if the generated code would not use any gotos anymore.

And why not use enumerations instead of defines for the token ID.


Thanks && Kind Regards

Peter Foelsche




"It would appear that Western civilization has endured two millennia of 
consecrated sexual neurosis simply because of the authors of Matthew and Luke 
could not read Hebrew." -- Sam Harris commenting on the mistranslation of 
"young woman" into "virgin" in the bible



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