[I'm sorry for cross-posting but I think this might concern both lists]


I've generated a C++ Parser and C++ Scanner with bison 2.3 and flex
2.5.33 respectively.
They are both prefixed with smt in my case. I've been also having a
hard time to use both together without trouble and unfortunately, no
example using C++ parsers and scanners exist, since it seems that
those which use a c++ scanner use a c parser and those which use a c++
parser, use a c scanner.

However, now while trying to compile my program I get:
smtlib-lexer.cc: In function 'smt::smt_parser::token::yytokentype
smtlex(smt::smt_parser::semantic_type*, smt::location*,
smtlib-lexer.cc:700: error: 'yy_init' was not declared in this scope
smtlib-lexer.cc:708: error: 'yy_start' was not declared in this scope
smtlib-lexer.cc:711: error: 'yyin' was not declared in this scope
smtlib-lexer.cc:714: error: 'yyout' was not declared in this scope
smtlib-lexer.cc:717: error: 'yy_buffer_stack' was not declared in this scope
smtlib-lexer.cc:717: error: 'yy_buffer_stack_top' was not declared in this scope
smtlib-lexer.cc:718: error: 'yyensure_buffer_stack' was not declared
in this scope
smtlib-lexer.cc:720: error: 'yyin' was not declared in this scope
smtlib-lexer.cc:720: error: 'yy_create_buffer' was not declared in this scope
smtlib-lexer.cc:723: error: 'yy_load_buffer_state' was not declared in
this scope
smtlib-lexer.cc:728: error: 'yy_c_buf_p' was not declared in this scope
smtlib-lexer.cc:731: error: 'yy_hold_char' was not declared in this scope
smtlib-lexer.cc:738: error: 'yy_start' was not declared in this scope
smtlib-lexer.cc:745: error: 'yy_last_accepting_state' was not declared
in this scope
smtlib-lexer.cc:746: error: 'yy_last_accepting_cpos' was not declared
in this scope
smtlib-lexer.cc:763: error: 'yy_last_accepting_cpos' was not declared
in this scope
smtlib-lexer.cc:764: error: 'yy_last_accepting_state' was not declared
in this scope
smtlib-lexer.cc:768: error: 'yytext' was not declared in this scope
smtlib-lexer.cc:777: error: 'yy_last_accepting_cpos' was not declared
in this scope
smtlib-lexer.cc:778: error: 'yy_last_accepting_state' was not declared
in this scope
smtlib-lexer.cc:782: error: 'yylloc' was not declared in this scope

along with some more errors related to these.
Problem is that yy should be smt in this case, right? By inspecting
the generated files I cannot even guess where these should be defined.
Any hints on where to look for a solution or suggestions would bee
greatly appreciated.

Paulo Jorge Matos - pocm at soton.ac.uk
PhD Student @ ECS
University of Southampton, UK

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