Hello all,

I am trying to install GLPK on Linux.
I unzip and untar everything into the glpk-4.9 folder. Within this folder, I
call the ./configure command which works fine.  I do not have admin access
on this machine, so I just want to install in my local directory. I do this
by running

<make prefix=/home/myaccount/glpk-4.9 install>

At this point I get an error, saying all include/*.h files already exist,
and the bin and lib folders are Not created and the libglpk.a file is Not
created. I then try running this install in the directory Above glpk-4.9/
and bin and lib and libglpk.a are created in this parent directory, but this
doesn't seem right, having to separate the install folders from glpk-4.9/ .
Furthermore, mex doesn't seem to recognize the required files. After talking
to Nicolo I'm pretty sure I have the GLPKmex package set up right.

In which directory exactly should I be running <make prefix=???? install>? I
dont have access to /usr/local/bin etc.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
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