Re: Heroku Machine Capacity planning for peak load.

2017-08-29 Thread Mike Abner
What programming language/stack? Do you have a budget or is that what you are trying to figure out? On Tue, Aug 29, 2017 at 5:42 AM Chaitanya Jadhav wrote: > Hello All, > > We have following requirements that we need to handle for the user > requests on our platform. > >

Re: Change Console Prompt?

2013-04-24 Thread Mike Abner
the simplest solution is to rename the tab you are using in your terminal. On my mac I use iTerm2 and it's a simple command-i to open up the tab title editor and all you have to do is type a new name, hit enter, then escape and it's there. Not as pretty, but it works just as well for me.

Re: Real world example for deploying a JSP Java web app on Heroku

2012-08-08 Thread Mike Abner
Does it work locally on jetty? Mike On Wednesday, August 8, 2012 at 11:16 AM, bytor9 wrote: Also to point out. This works perfectly deployed locally in Tomcat. (not embedded Tomcat) So the issue is with Heroku running Jetty embedded. Mark -- You received this message

Re: Paperclip+S3 not working with Heroku

2012-02-17 Thread Mike Abner
Get Thee to ruby 1.9.x please! Mike On Friday, February 17, 2012 at 10:29 AM, Daniel Huckstep wrote: Most of the time with any uploads, I've found you have to do some manually hackery surrounding content types, because browsers (read: Internet Exploder) suck. I see that you discovered

Re: Platform errors

2012-01-10 Thread Mike Abner
2012 at 22:03, Mike Abner wrote: Yeah. In the past I've created support issues when I've noticed the status as OK but errors on my apps. I'd like to see a lighter way of letting them know. I figured responding to the newsgroup might also get their attention. Mike

Re: App has an empty code repository

2011-12-28 Thread Mike Abner
That means your app threw a 500 Internal Server error. You should run heroku logs --tail and refresh your page to see the error you are getting. Mike On Wednesday, December 28, 2011 at 2:39 PM, Anil Punjabi wrote: Thanks. That worked. Now I get this message: We're sorry, but

Re: Has anyone restored from a RedisToGo backup?

2011-12-01 Thread Mike Abner
You need to email them and ask them to do it. I think they are in the process of making this a publicly facing feature. Mike On Thursday, December 1, 2011 at 3:40 PM, Steven! Ragnarök wrote: Maybe I'm blind, but I can't see the mechanism for restoring a RedisToGo instance from a

Re: Multiple Apps, Multiple Clients. One Account?

2011-11-20 Thread Mike Abner
You'd have one account with N apps on the account. Each app is a set of resources (dynos, workers, dbs, add-ons). So you'd be able to scale them independently from each other. You set the number of dynos and workers you need for each app. Heroku does not manage your dyno needs for you. You

Re: push without restart

2011-08-30 Thread Mike Abner
We're thinking about having a migrations branch where we put all migrations. They get merged to master first, then pushed and run, and then after those complete we merge the new code to master and push again. It does mean that you have to spend more time and effort dealing with data model

Re: Fragment Caching kind of expiring

2011-05-06 Thread Mike Abner
Dynos aren't guaranteed to run on the same machine, so they won't necessarily share the same /tmp directory. Best bet is to never rely on it being there or having the right data. Mike On Friday, May 6, 2011 at 11:39 AM, joshmckin wrote: Actually it caches to the tmp folder which is available


2011-02-28 Thread Mike Abner
I know nothing about blackberry applications, but if you just have to stick a couple of files somewhere then amazon S3 would be great for that. Throw up a quick app on heroku, point the download links at files on s3. Should be good to go. Mike On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 7:43 AM, ken bob

Model.exists?(blah) always returns true.

2011-02-12 Thread Mike Abner
Just pushed some code to production and I'm seeing some strange behavior. In a migration I do this.. self.up create_table :my_table, :id = false, do |t| t.string :id ... end execute 'alter table my_table set primary key (id)' end Then I have a before filter set up to generate a

Re: Production DB has varchar(255) with limit instead of text?

2011-02-09 Thread Mike Abner
The easy way is to change the field to text. t.text :comment When you are doing research on db data types and rails you need to know that rails does a translation from the type you specify in the migration and the type that they create in the database. For Postgres, doing a t.string gets

Re: How do I rewrite a url for requests from one domain to another?

2011-02-03 Thread Mike Abner
We have something like this that would probably work for you in our routes.rb file. if Rails.env.production? hostname = '' constraints( do root :to = redirect(http://www.#{hostname};) match '/*path', :to = redirect {|params|

Re: Hanging when creating new Heroku app?

2011-01-21 Thread Mike Abner
Last night there was downtime for app creation. Maybe it isn't fully resolved (thought there was a follow up tweet that it was fixed). Wouldn't hurt to ping support. Mike On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 11:40 PM, Mal wrote: I've created several Heroku apps before, but now when I

Re: Unable to install the fancybox rails plugin on heroku

2010-10-14 Thread Mike Abner
Shouldn't you be doing the plugin install on your local machine, checking in what it does, and then pushing that to heroku? Plugin installs typically (always?) create new directories and files in the filesystem of your app, and since heroku doesn't allow you to write to the file system... Mike

Re: Heroku + Hobo?

2010-10-14 Thread Mike Abner
Run the hobo generators locally, check the results in to git, then push that to heroku. If hobo expects to be able to generate files at run-time then it isn't going to work out of the box with Heroku. It won't be able to create the files on the read-only filesystem. Mike On Thu, Oct 14, 2010

Re: DJ Workers Crashing Without Specific Information

2010-10-04 Thread Mike Abner
ActiveRecord batches won't work for you? Both methods default to 1000 results per batch, but can be configured with the :batch_size option. Mike On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 10:56 AM, William Flanagan

Re: EROFS... read-only filesystem

2010-09-24 Thread Mike Abner
Heroku gives you a Postgres database that's free for the first 5mb. They automatically replace your database.yml file so you should have to do any configuration if you're writing a basic rails app. You also can't really use the filesystem for anything. Heroku says that you can put things in

Re: Custom error pages, we *really* need them

2010-09-15 Thread Mike Abner
Why have a separate branch? Heroku can just tell us where to put them in the folder hierarchy and they'll grab them from there. If I were designing this I'd say to create a top level directory in your project called errors or heroku_error_pages or something like that. Then name you're files

Re: What is the equivalent of cap deploy:migrations in Heroku?

2010-09-07 Thread Mike Abner
This isn't the best option, but you can put your app in maintenance mode during the deploy/migrations and then put it back in service. It makes continuous deployment a bit of a problem, but if you can deploy during low traffic periods it would probably be ok. Mike On Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 12:21

Re: Contact Form Using Sendgrid Pony

2010-08-23 Thread Mike Abner
Works well. You just have to set up pony correctly using the heroku config vars that get set when you add sendgrid to your app. Look at the bottom of that page and you'll see them. Mike On Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 12:41 PM, DAZ wrote: Hi, I'm