Emmanuel Bernard
Sent: Monday, November 21, 2005 4:38 AM
To: Hibernate development
Subject: [Hibernate] How about mapping processing related properties
So far we've avoided properties involving mapping processing.
Max wants to introduce a naming strategy property.
There are several is
I am not keen on this, because naming strategy is not "configuration".
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Emmanuel Bernard
Sent: Monday, November 21, 2005 4:38 AM
To: Hibernate development
Subject: [Hibernate] How about mapping
So far we've avoided properties involving mapping processing.
Max wants to introduce a naming strategy property.
There are several issues:
1 - you can set properties before / after / in between properties
mapping => this is already the case for setNamingStrategy()
2 - who is going to win between