More attacks expected on Ayah PinÂ’s commune
Claudia Theophilus

Rumours are circulating of fresh mob attacks on the commune led by self-styled spiritual leader Ayah Pin, at Kampung Batu 13 near Jerteh, Terengganu.

At 5am today, about 1,000 people from villages surrounding the commune reportedly tried to burn the place down, including a cluster of giant structures symbolising the universality of the worldÂ’s major faiths.

Contacted today, Hulu Besut state assemblyperson Nawi Mohamad told malaysiakini that the police have the situation under control.

“No injuries have been reported, but a couple of vehicles were damaged by fire. None of the houses or structures were burned down. I was told the FRU was also there,” he said by telephone, adding that he had driven past the area.

“There were attempts to set the buildings on fire but the flames didn’t catch on.”

The damaged vehicles were a Pajero  belonging to Ayah Pin (whose real name is Ariffin Mohammad) and a guardÂ’s motorcycle that was parked at the main entrance.

‘Bigger crowd’ anticipated

Asked if any political party or government agency could have been behind the attack, Nawi said anything was possible but that he believed neighbouring villagers may have taken it upon themselves to do this.

“I got wind that a bigger crowd is planning another round in two or three days’ time. I heard this incident had been planned a few days ago, but it only happened today.

“This is not surprising because Ayah Pin and his followers have become a big issue and has been reported on television and in the newspapers. Many people who have come to know about it now are unhappy.”

On whether he condoned the mob action, he said it was wrong for anyone to take the law into their own hands.

“But village folks don’t bother about laws. They will act according to their own thinking if they dislike something,” he added.

State authorities could not be reached for further details, while telephone calls to Ayah PinÂ’s followers at the commune are not being answered. However the state police confirmed that two police reports have been lodged by the villagers on the fire incident.

Strangers sighted

A follower based in Jerteh, however, said the villagers had been asked by Ayah Pin to leave the commune last night.

“We were at home when word got to us about nearby villagers planning an attack some time soon. Ayah Pin then told everyone to leave immediately,” said the follower who requested anonymity.

“He sensed that something was going to happen after seeing police officers and unknown persons hanging around the village. I don’t know what happened after that because I left the commune soon after.”

The follower said the police have been patrolling the commune daily since the July 2 weekend raid when 21 followers were detained.

The 21, including a police inspector and an ex-rock band drummer, are to be charged at the Besut syariah court on Aug 23 for violating a religious edict against Ayah PinÂ’s teachings and for possessions of certain documents and VCDs.

The group has filed a formal complaint with several government agencies. Legal and human rights bodies have demanded a probe into the Terengganu Islamic Affairs DepartmentÂ’s conduct of the raid.

Contacted in Kuala Lumpur today, a group of Ayah PinÂ’s followers were distressed to learn about the incident and concerned about the safety of the residents of the commune.

“We heard that Ayah Pin’s Pajero was torched. We are worried about his safety and the other kampung folk,” said one of them who did not want to be identified.

“We heard many of them had left (the commune) last night but we’re not sure what has happened to the rest. No one is picking up the phone at the village. I don’t know if they have been arrested.”

Over the last few weeks, state and federal ministers have repeatedly said that action will be taken, including under the Internal Security Act if this becomes necessary.

Inspektor polis pengikut Ayah Pin digantung kerja

Seorang pegawai polis berpangkat inspektor di Perak yang dipercayai terbabit menjadi pengikut kumpulan Ayah Pin di Terengganu, akan digantung kerja.

Ketua Polis Perak Datuk Zainal Mohd Tahir berkata pegawai berusia 46 tahun itu, yang sedang bercuti, bertugas di bahagian pentadbiran di satu daerah di negeri itu.

Dia diberkas oleh Bahagian Penguatkuasa Jabatan Hal-Ehwal Agama Terengganu pada 2 Julai lalu dalam satu operasi khas di perkampungan kumpulan itu di Kampung Batu 13, Hulu Besut, Terengganu.

Seramai 21 pengikut Ayah Pin ditahan dalam operasi tersebut. Mereka dibebaskan kemudiannya dengan ikatjamin polis, sebelum dihadapkan ke mahkamah syariah.

"Kita telah menerima arahan daripada Bukit Aman supaya pegawai terbabit digantung kerja," kata Zainal kepada pemberita di sini hari ini.

Menurut laporan Bernama, beliau juga berkata, siasatan mendapati kegiatan ajaran sesat di Perak tidak membimbangkan.

Kes buli

Mengenai satu perkara lain, Zainal berkata polis akan mengadakan mesyuarat dengan Jabatan Pendidikan bagi menangani masalah salah laku dan kes buli membabitkan pelajar.

"Kes salah laku di kalangan pelajar di negeri ini serius," katanya.

Sabtu lalu, seorang pelajar tingkatan empat Sekolah Menengah Teknik Teluk Intan patah tangan kanan dan lebam badan selepas dibelasah 10 pelajar senior di asrama sekolah itu.

Kejadian berlaku pada 9 malam dipercayai kerana pelajar berusia 16 tahun dituduh mencuri sepasang kasut milik seorang pelajar senior.

Polis telah menahan pelajar senior terbabit untuk siasatan lanjut, kata Zainal.

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