In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Autopsy: No Arabs on Flight 77

A list of names on a piece of paper is not evidence, but an autopsy by a 
pathologist, is. I undertook by FOIA request, to obtain that autopsy list 
and you are invited to view it below. Guess what? Still no Arabs on the list.


A Master Morality

Bush, Inc., is an enterprise operating of, by and for the privileged 
stockholders; as such, it is an embodiment of what Friedrich Nietzsche 
called a “master morality.”

Ernest Partridge:

The greatest threat to the Bush regime is a widespread appreciation amongst 
our fellow citizens that there is a superior alternative to the “Master 
Morality” of Bush, Inc. It is “Social Democratic Morality,” expressed in a 
political system best described by Abraham Lincoln as a “government of the 
people, by the people and for the people.” It is a government constrained 
by the rule of law to which all citizens, including the President and his 
Administration, must submit..


'Bush continues to alienate world':

People who once looked toward America with admiration and respect and as a 
beacon for liberty and civility now see a supremely arrogant rogue nation 
that holds international law and institutions in disdain.



A TvNewsLIES Diagnosis

The only thing more frightening than George W. Bush having a blurred vision 
for America, is that he might actually be seeing things clearly.

The man has been badly maligned. For more than four years now, detractors 
and critics repeatedly have accused George W. Bush of sporting a 
smirk.  They have mercilessly disparaged the President’s smug expression 
that seemed so inappropriate and so disdainful, for so long. It’s time to 


Brand USA is in trouble, so take a lesson from Big Mac:

Instead of changing his foreign policy, President Bush is changing the story,3858,5147118-103677,00.html


I'm tired of Sept. 11, 2001

Heightening security was for naught

Posted on Sun, Mar. 13, 2005


I'm tired of Sept. 11, 2001. The attack by terrorists is ruining this 
nation. I'm tired of what Sept. 11 has done to free speech. Colorado 
University professor Ward Churchill is on the verge of being fired for 
talking frankly about Sept. 11. How can anyone not believe U.S. policies 
overseas have helped fuel terrorism? So what if he called Sept. 11 victims 
"little Eichmanns," in reference to the architect of the Jewish holocaust? 
It was just a metaphor.


`Fortress America' sparks new fears


Secure border would be shared Critics fear loss of resource control

WASHINGTON—Canadians are being offered a new vision of a Fortress North 
America in which the continent is wrapped in a security perimeter from the 
Arctic all the way to the Guatemalan border.


Stop news fraud

“State-run media” is a phrase normally reserved for regimes such as North 
Korea that manipulate and censor all public information. Media in the 
United States were thought to be free of such autocratic control, but 
recent maneuvers by the Bush administration should make all of us stand up 
and take notice.


DEMOCRACY OR OCCUPATION:  What's Really on the Rise Across the Middle East?

by Phyllis Bennis, Institute for Policy Studies

March 12, 2005

In a recent broadcast of "Democracy Now," the well-known Egyptian feminist, 
novelist and activist Nawal al-Sadawi put it exactly right. Responding to 
President Bush's bragging that his policies, specifically his invasion and 
occupation of Iraq, were somehow responsible for the new moves towards 
"democracy" across the Middle East, she said, "this is a new kind of 
imperialism.  Now they don't only steal our land and our resources, but 
they steal our struggles as well."


Iraq Insurgency 'Still Very Strong' :

Iraqi insurgents will not be defeated for many months, Britain admitted today


Peacemaker Team Returns From Iraq

He reported seeing numerous examples of human rights abuses starting with 
the fact that men between the ages of 16 and 50 were not allowed to leave 
Fallujah when residents were told to evacuate. He told us about execution 
style killing of civilians by US soldiers, killing of women and children 
carrying white flags, and dead bodies with massive burns and unusual 
injuries indicating the use of white phosphorus (napalm) and other chemical 


Americans talking to themselves in Fallujah:

There is limited focus in the media about the continued U.S. military 
actions in Fallujah.


After Two Years: Four hundred World Trade Centers:

Everyone in Iraq knows somebody who has died. Most families have been 
touched. The war, meanwhile, has tormented everyone. From one city alone, 
the entire population of Fallujah, 400,000 -- minus the deaths -- are now 
homeless or refugees.


Digging In

If the U.S. government doesn't plan to occupy Iraq for any longer than 
necessary, why is it spending billions of dollars to build "enduring" bases?


Iraq's strained coalition :

Two of the largest contingents in the US-led coalition in Iraq, the 
Netherlands and Ukraine, are in the process of pulling their forces out. So 
where does this leave the coalition?


AWOL in America:

Why Over 5,500 U.S. Soldiers Discharged Themselves: The Pentagon has 
estimated that since the start of the current conflict in Iraq, more than 
5,500 U.S. military personnel have deserted, and yet we know the stories of 
only a unique handful, all whom have publicly stated their opposition to 
the war in Iraq, and some of whom have fled to Canada.


Pentagon Data on Iraq Security Forces Unreliable -GAO:

The Pentagon told Congress on Monday that there are 142,472 trained and 
equipped Iraqi security forces, but a Capitol Hill watchdog agency said 
data on the forces was unreliable and it was difficult to gauge whether 
billions of U.S. dollars were being used effectively.


Bush administration clears US troops in slaying of Calipari and wounding of 

Posted Mar 15, 2005 11:28 AM PST - Category: ASSASSINATION

Earl Warren would be proud.


Tariq Ali on empire and those who fight it

Every resistance movement against imperialism has been categorised as 
terrorist ­ the Mau Mau in Kenya were demonised and brutally tortured by 
the British; the Algerian FLN by the French; the Vietnamese by the French 
and the Americans.


Five Killed in Three Baghdad Car Bombs :

Witnesses said some American troops also were wounded, although that was 
not confirmed by U.S. officials


Iraqi general shot dead by US troops at checkpoint west of Ramadi: police :

The deputy commander of the Iraqi army in western Al-Anbar province was 
shot dead by US troops at a checkpoint Tuesday night, a police officer said.


Two soldiers from multi-national forces killed, others injured in Iraq


U.S. Marine Killed in Al Anbar Province


Platoon leader admits Iraq assault charges:

Saville, a 25-year-old West Point graduate, is accused of ordering troops 
to push two curfew violators into the river near Samarra. The government 
says Zaidoun Hassoun, 19, drowned.


Iraqi forces crippled by poor discipline:

Iraqi security forces, whose buildup is seen as the linchpin of the US exit 
strategy, remain crippled by poor discipline, questionable loyalties and a 
rate of absenteeism possibly reaching into tens of thousands, US 
congressional investigators said.


Italian troops to leave Iraq :

Italy will begin withdrawing its 3,000 troops from Iraq in September, the 
Italian prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi, announced today.,2763,1438372,00.html


Pentagon Sees $108 Million in Overcharges by Halliburton:

In one case, according to the auditing report, the company claimed that it 
had paid more than $27 million to transport liquified petroleum gas it had 
purchased in Kuwait for just $82,000, a charge the auditors dismissed as 


Army Ignored Broker on Arms Deal:

U.S. general supervised an Iraq contract that a slain American said was 
tangled in kickbacks. The inspector general for Iraq's reconstruction 
recently criticized the failure of the former U.S.-led Coalition 
Provisional Authority to properly account for $8.8 billion in contracts 
issued using Iraqi funds.


The Eyewitnesses Must Be Crazy

This reminds me of the hundreds of eyewitnesses to a missile strike on TWA 
800 who were dismissed as being a "bunch of drunks" by the official cover-up.


Former UK Guantanamo detainee accuses US of torture :

A former British Guantanamo Bay detainee said Tuesday that inmates in the 
US detention camp in Cuba had been tortured by US military personnel who 
tried to make them "go crazy."


'The torturers among us':

What times are these? In the past, torture was inimical to the image of 
America. - Systematic abuse was the dirty secret of the Soviet gulag and 
the Argentine generals' "Dirty War." (They called their reign of mayhem in 
the 1970s "The War Against Terrorism and Subversion.") In the months after 
Sept. 11, we now know, torture became our secret as well.


Officials deny Guantanamo returnee killed :

Pakistani officials dismissed local media reports yesterday that said a 
former Guantanamo Bay prisoner who masterminded the kidnapping of two 
Chinese engineers last year had been killed.


Anti-U.S. protesters tell envoy to quit Lebanon:

Waving Lebanese flags, the crowd chanted: "Ambassador leave, keep our 
country free", in reference to Washington's envoy to Lebanon.


Massive Anti-U.S. Protests Outside Embassy In Beirut

How can they not love us?????????


Syrian pledge relies on Lebanese action:

The special U.N. envoy on Lebanon cautioned Sunday that a commitment by the 
Syrian president, Bashar Assad, to withdraw all soldiers and intelligence 
forces from Lebanon in the next few months was contingent on Lebanese 
leaders forming a new government in coming weeks.


Syrian Military Intelligence Vacate Office :

A day after the country's biggest opposition demonstration, Syrian military 
intelligence on Tuesday was vacating an office in Beirut, moving furniture 
into trucks protected by Lebanese police.,1280,-4866222,00.html


Charley Reese: Lebanon and Syria:

The Middle East is full of ruins left by past superpowers. As a Palestinian 
friend of mine likes to say, pointing to those ruins: "They are all gone. 
We are still here."


Gallup: Americans Don't Like Syria, Iran, N. Korea:

About 4 in 10 Republicans would support "military action" against each of 
the countries.


Israeli Army blames dog for killing of innocent Palestinian

By Amira Hass

The Defense Ministry is blaming an army dog for the death of an innocent 
Palestinian, who was shot by Israel Defense Forces troops 10 months ago. 
According to Deputy Defense Minister Ze'ev Boim (Likud), the dog had 
mistaken the Palestinian's identity.


Poll of U.S. and British views on Israel :

Americans generally still side with Israel, considered a like-minded ally, 
and show hostility toward the Palestinians, according to the Israel 
Project, a group working to promote Israel’s image.


American family sues Israel:

The 24-year-old Corrie was killed on March 16, 2003 when she tried to block 
an Israeli army bulldozer from destroying a Palestinian house near the 
Philadelphi Route, the strip of land in the Gaza Strip bordering Egypt.


Humor: Israeli Basketball Rules:

For security reasons Palestinians do not have the right to pass the ball 
between players, the ball could hit an Israeli player.


Video: Mosaic: World News Reports from Middle East TV For 03/14/05:

The nation's only uncensored compilation of daily television news reports 
from more than 15 countries in the Middle East. QuickTime Video.


Russia paid bounty on Chechen rebel leader:

Russia said on Tuesday it had paid millions of dollars to reward the people 
who helped it find and kill Chechen rebel leader Aslan Maskhadov, as an 
outcry grew over Moscow’s refusal to return his body for burial.


Account stirs questions over how Chechen died :

Anna Politkovskaya, a prominent Russian columnist and expert on Chechnya, 
said the house was apparently blown up to destroy any evidence that could 
cast doubt on official accounts of Maskhadov's killing.


N.Korea Says It May Build More Nuclear Weapons:

North Korea said Tuesday it may increase its nuclear arsenal to maintain a 
balance of power in East Asia and help prevent a U.S. attack on the 
reclusive communist state.


Rice Says U.S. Concerned at China Military Build-Up:


Gwynne Dyer: Bogeyman China serves to justify a big U.S. defense budget :

It will come as no surprise, therefore, that the major U.S. defense review 
planned for this year will concentrate on the rising "threat" from China


Chalmers Johnson, Coming to Terms with China:

It's rare for us to take time out of busy lives to consider how exactly the 
dots might be connected, how the world actually works.


US jittery over Nepal:

Fears that Nepal will become a failed state have led the US to pressure 
India to step up its efforts to help resolve last month's "royal coup", and 
questions concerning aid and military assistance linger. China, meanwhile, 
is accused of meddling where it doesn't belong.


Jordan arrests reporter over Iraq news:

The Jordanian Interior Ministry has announced the arrest of a journalist 
working for the al-Ghad newspaper after it published a story alleging a 
Jordanian carried out the attack in Hilla near Baghdad last month.


Scott Ritter, CIA ‘terminally ill’ intel operation


Vietnam's Agent Orange Victims Feel Cheated by U.S. Court :

This is the first time that Vietnamese citizens have ever sought legal 
compensation for the effects of Agent Orange, which contains the toxic 
chemical dioxin linked to cancer, diabetes and birth defects among 
Vietnamese soldiers and civilians and U.S. veterans.


American students shocked by Vietnam’s Agent Orange suffering :

While US courts were handing down a dismissal of Vietnam’s Agent Orange 
victims’ lawsuit, seven students from New York witnessed first hand the 
deadly toxic affects on innocent people in Quang Nam province.


The Courts and the War on Terror:

Of the 120 terrorism cases, the initial major charges leveled have resulted 
in only two actual terrorism convictions


Imprisoned Without Charge:

Yvon Neptune and Haiti’s Political Prisoners


New U.S. Threats against Venezuela Unveiled in Miami:

New U.S. threats to use force to choke the Bolivarian process and 
assassinate Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez triggered new protests in 


OPEC not to blame for oil price leap, say ministers:

The price of crude oil was "out of OPEC's control", Qatar's Oil Minister, 
Abdullah bin Hamad al-Attiyah, said yesterday.


OPEC has reached its production limit:

“The end of abundant, affordable oil is in sight, and the implications are 


Robert Scheer: The Bankruptcy Bill: a Tutorial in Greed:

Lesson No. 1 -- Campaign cash is worth more than family values.


White House to agencies: Ignore ruling on 'illegal' TV news releases :

The White House, intent on continuing to crank out "video news releases" 
that look like television news stories, has told government agency heads to 
ignore a Government Accountability Office memo criticizing the practice as 
illegal propaganda.


Rep. Ron Paul: Deficits Make You Poorer:

Most Americans are vaguely aware that Congress has run up huge deficits in 
recent years, but the numbers involved are so large that it’s hard to grasp 
what our government’s indebtedness really means to us as individuals.


Bush setting U.S. up for financial fall :

The war is being fought on credit, with the loans coming from Chinese and 
Japanese central bankers, and the debt sent to our kids.


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