Salam wbt.
Mohon bantuan dan pencerahan sahabat-sahabat sekalian about this hadeeth which i found in internet; Jazakallahu Khairan Kathira!
Ibn Masood reported:

"We went to the Messenger of Allah, praise and peace be upon him,
and he came out with good news --
and happiness was easily recognizable upon his face.

When we asked him about a matter
he would tell us about it,
and we were never silent about anything until he spoke of it,
until a party from the Bani Hashim passed by
amongst whom were Al Hasan and Al Hussain, peace be upon them.

When he saw them
he hugged them with tears in his eyes,
so we asked: 'O Messenger of Allah'
we see something has changed your face which distresses us.'

Thereupon he replied:
'We are a Family of a House
for whom Allah has chosen the Hereafter rather than the present.
After me
my family will be refugees,

driven out of countries until the Black Banners are raised in
the east.
They will ask for the truth
but they will not be given it,
so they will ask again for it,
and they will not be given it ,
so they will fight and be given victory.

Those of you or your descendants who live during that time
go to the Imam of the Family of my house
even if you have
to crawl over ice to him.

Indeed, they are
banners of guidance.
They will deliver it to a man from the Family of my House
his name is the same as my name,
and the name of his father is the same as my father
and he will fill the ground with fairness and justice."
This hadith is in found in the references of Abu Dawood,
Al Hakim, At-Tirmizi, Ibn Hibban, Ibn Majhah,
Au Ash-Shaykh, Ibn Adiy, Abu Dhabi,
Ibn Asakir and Abu Nuaym.

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