Does Stretching Increase Height?

Yes, because of a couple of reasons.

First, our bones and muscles can be developed by proper and regular
exercise. With proper stretching, our spine will become straighter and
longer, thus, increasing the height and giving proper posture.

Other questions like, "will stretching increase height even if I am over
20?" have been answered. Studies have shown that it will increase height
even on persons over 23 years old. Some have even recorded an increase of 3
inches to a 25 year-old.

Stretching also helps the production of the growth hormone. Our body
decreases the production of this hormone as we grow older. But the proper
stretching exercises will help increase it back.

Second, stretching increase height because our joints are capable of
expanding by performing some stretching exercises and massaging them
regularly. Athletes often stretch and massage their knees and elbows to be

It is a fact that tall people are more favored and is likely to be more
successful than shorter ones. Being tall implies that you know how to take
care and develop your body. For instance, women find tall men to be sexy.
Hence, the "tall, dark, and handsome" criteria that woman is always looking
for. Men also find tall women to be attractive. Women with long legs and
sexy body can really draw the attention of the guys. Also, in some
professions or careers, height is a requirement and the taller applicants
are given more consideration. Another reason for their success is that
height also comes with it an aura of self-confidence. Being tall makes a
person believe that he can be whoever he wants to be.

Taking into account these realities, it is important today to be tall and
physically fit. You do not have to take all those food supplements that
claim to be effective or spend a lot of cash on painful surgeries. You do
not even need to spend money on equipments and gadgets. Lots of Stretching
increase height naturally and effectively.

Not all models are born tall. Most of them only acquire their long and sexy
physique because of sleeping, proper diet, and of course, stretching. We can
almost see them everyday in TV or even in person doing their stretching
routines. Some models also do yoga which is a variation of stretching. The
main purpose is to develop your body through stretching and relaxation.

Basketball players are taller than they are supposed to be. Those long arms
and slender body are the result of stretching exercises. A normal person
will not attain an athlete's body without the proper work out. These
athletes have professional instructors that design their stretching routines
to make their body longer and more conditioned.

Stretching does not have to be painful, time-consuming, or even rigorous. A
10-minute session everyday can work wonders and you can even see results as
early as 3 weeks. Stretching regularly can also improve your body posture
which will contribute in making you look taller. It also gives you more
energy during the day because stretching will make your muscles loosen up.

To answer the question "Does stretching increase height?" yes it does and
you can prove it yourself.

By Anthony Ezail Travis
 *posted by Net Homeo at 10:22 PM

~~~Whatever mountains stands in your path,
Whatever obstacle blocks your way,
Whatever difficulty immobilized you,
The prayer full of faith can remove it~~~.

~~~Thank you for being a part of my life,
whether you were a reason, a season or a lifetime.~~~

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