This picture of the lunar surface shows the trail left by a rock that
rolled into a crater.

The image was taken by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter and picked up by
stargazer Phil Plait.

  A model swallowtail butterfly that can fly just like the real thing has
been created by scientists from

Harvard university and Tokyo university. It proves they achieve forward
flight with simple flapping motions.

  Michael Good (left) and Garrett Reisman look through the aft flight deck
windows of space shuttle

Atlantis during the mission's third spacewalk. The shuttle is now on its way
back to Earth for the

final time before it is decommissioned.

  This beautiful composite image shows N49, the aftermath of a supernova
explosion in the

Large Magellanic Cloud. The images from Nasa's Chandra X-ray Observatory
seems to

show a bullet-shaped object being blown out of a debris field.

  A technician works at a Distress Alerting Satellite System (DASS) terminal
at Nasa Goddard

Space Flight Center. DASS is a next generation search and rescue system.

  A brown pelican soaked in oil struggles for survival on an island in
Louisiana State waters.

  The ESO released this beautiful image of the nearby galaxy Messier 83
taken by the Very Large

Telescope in Chile. The picture shows the galaxy in infrared light and is
one of the sharpest and

most detailed pictures of Messier 83 taken from the ground.

  Part of the James Webb telescope is placed in a space environment
simulator chamber

to make sure it can survive the freezing -231.1C temperatures in space.

~~~Whatever mountains stands in your path,
Whatever obstacle blocks your way,
Whatever difficulty immobilized you,
The prayer full of faith can remove it~~~.

~~~Lidah orang yang berakal terletak
di belakang hatinya. Hati orang yang
bodoh terletak di belakang lidahnya~~~

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