*Please wait images are loading .....* ** *This might seem weird, but it is a medical procedure known by the name ichthyotherapy, and this sort of fish is called “Doctor Fish<http://groups.yahoo.com/group/lightsofindia/join>“. The idea is that this specific specie of fish eats only rotten flesh and meat and only the infected parts of skin and that way it helps healing. Now, it all makes sense in theory, but if you ask me it’s simply nasty! Somehow it doesn’t seem right to me, nor very hygienic! What do you think? * * *
*-- ~~~Whatever mountains stands in your path, Whatever obstacle blocks your way, Whatever difficulty immobilized you, The prayer full of faith can remove it~~~. ~~~Thank you for being a part of my life, whether you were a reason, a season or a lifetime.~~~ ~~~fairlady.sha...@gmail.com~~~ ~~~fairlady.sha...@yahoo.com~~~ *