--- On Tue, 2/9/10, MKR <khalidira...@gmail.com> wrote:

Elis)Penang DAP-PKR Squabble'There's something wrong with Pakatan and it spells 

BELOW are excerpts from the question-and-answer session.
Q: There is allegation that you and three other Parti Keadilan Rakyat MPs will 
jump party. Is it true?
That I do not know. But I believe they will not jump ship to join
Barisan Nasional. The root problem is that PKR has been made a
"stepchild" by DAP leaders. We have to take swift action to solve this
problem. I think the feelings of the two MPs in Penang are similar to
that of many other PKR leaders who are still keeping quiet.
Q: Do you think the allegations were initiated to bring down PKR MPs?
I think these actions are a form of McCarthyism. In fact, I would say
they are exactly the same. Any PKR MPs who make allegations against DAP
will be labelled as BN agents and accused of planning to jump ship. So
the problem is not solved. This is low-class politics.
Q: Do you
agree with allegations by (Bayan Baru MP) Datuk Seri Zahrain Mohamed
Hashim, (Nibong Tebal MP) Tan Tee Beng and (Kulim Bandar Baru MP)
Zulkifli Noordin against DAP, particularly its secretary-general and
Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng?
A: I agree with most of what
they are saying. Of course, we must be able to agree to disagree on
certain parts. We are living in a democratic society and must,
therefore, respect each other's point of view.
Q: What is happening
in Pakatan now as disciplinary actions are being instituted against PKR
MPs for their allegations against DAP, but at the same time, the
leaders are saying no action will be taken against DAP and Lim Guan Eng
even if the allegations are proven to be true. What is your stand on
A: These types of statements are made by little Napoleons. It
will appear that we are subservient to DAP. As far as I am concerned,
all allegations should be investigated. Just like the investigations
against Zahrain and Tan. The same must also apply to the allegations
against the Penang CM. If the allegations are (proven to be) true, I
think action must be taken (against Lim). Or at least we must change
(on the style of politics).
Q: Are you saying DAP is trying to divert attention to PKR?
Have you heard of any explanation in the newspapers (by DAP), saying
that this is not true and we will come clean and show proof? None. I
was once a DAP leader. I will say this with a very heavy heart... in
1998 I was sacked from DAP on the official charge of "not showing
affection" to the party leaders. I was found guilty for speaking up
within the party.
I did not even speak to the press. Now, a lot of
statements are being made by the little Napoleons that grievances
should be aired within the party. But judging from my experience, when
you air (your grievances) inside, you might be classified as "not
showing affection". And you will be in serious trouble.
Q: So which party is effectively leading Pakatan now? Is it PKR, DAP or Pas?
A: DAP. By the look of things, DAP is leading (Pakatan) because they are immune 
to anything. PKR is just a "stepchild".

How do you see the position of PKR now, as Parti Rakyat Malaysia (PRM)
still exists despite claims by certain quarters that it was dissolved
before the merger with Parti Keadilan?
A: I must confess that I was
a lawyer for PRM in the case involving Registrar of Societies and
(former PRM leaders) Dr Syed Husin Ali and R. Sivarasa when they
applied to dissolve PRM. I succeeded in getting them to intervene in
the suit in court. Then another lawyer took over and I read in the
newspapers recently that the court has declared that PRM is still a
valid political party.
So the so-called "merger" was a lie. There
was no merger (between Parti Keadilan Nasional and Parti Rakyat
Malaysia). I hope PKR will take action and take out the two red lines
in our flag because PRM still exists and we must respect it. The red
lines are meant to depict PRM. So this must be stopped and clarified to
the public that (the merger) was not true.
Q: So are you saying the
positions of PKR deputy president Syed Husin, vice-president R.
Sivarasa and strategic director Tian Chua are in question now? What
should PKR do then?
A: (There is) no doubt about it. They hold their
respective positions by virtue of the "merger". PKR should issue a
show-cause letter to them and ask them to explain. They must be
referred to the disciplinary committee because this is a serious
(issue). I would even go as far as to say this is deceptive.
To say
that PRM has been dissolved but later it was ruled otherwise by the
court (is deceptive). I think this is a more important issue that we
have to address because it involves legal entities, and we are just
taking other people's name. It seems like we are pretending to be
somebody we are not. The former PRM leaders should explain why they
lied to the party. I call upon them to explain to the party because I
dare not use the term PKR now.
Q: Is it PKR or just Keadilan now?
Legally, it is still PKR because they have informed ROS on the change
of the name and such but this is not an issue of legality. We are
talking about why this was not revealed at the time of the so-called
merger. There was no dissolution (of PRM). I was told that some
Keadilan leaders were not happy at the time of the "merger".
Q: Why do you think Syed Husin and other former PRM leaders did not address 
this matter?
I can understand that Syed Husin and Sivarasa might feel embarrassed to
talk about it and they prefer to sweep it under the carpet. They had
argued the case in the court but they did not appeal against the
court's decision. Perhaps they are afraid it will arouse public
attention. But it has been lingering on many people's minds, as Tan has
Now that it has come out in the open, we must address
this issue. I hope we can be fair in this issue and ex PRM leaders who
have misled the public and Keadilan should have taken action against
them. All this while they have been asking for action to be taken
against other members, except against themselves. They often take the
moral high ground and I hope they live up to it now.





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