*As children grow, they are surrounded by many people other than their
parents. Their behavior and personality is influenced by their teachers,
friends and relatives. In fact, they add traits to their own life. We must
provide space and freedom to children to help them learn and recognize their

There are certain qualities that children should possess and for which we
all should put conscious effort while grooming them. Therefore, parents and
teachers should work in cooperation to build a suitable environment around
the children that helps them:

At school:

Make friends and enjoy playing when they are in the playground.

At home:

Form a habit of sleeping at bed-time.


At social setups:

These qualities are positive attitudes that can be developed amongst
children by exposing them to values. From a very early stage, children
should be prepared to face the situations that they will have to face in
today's world. They should be taught values through questioning, role plays,
critically analyzing the paths to be taken and predicting outcomes. If
efforts are genuinely made by parents and care is taken while educating
children, they will grow up as good human beings, who are intelligent,
honest, punctual, friendly, courageous and those who are able to
differentiate between right and wrong and likewise implement them in their

Therefore, parents and teachers need to educate children in such a manner
that they imbibe all good qualities one can think of. Educating children in
this manner will help them develop good traits, characters and
personalities. They will also be able to possess the following qualities:


Children will have strength to control their anger when things seem to go
against them or decisions are not made in their favor.


They will develop confidence and never be scared to say the truth whatever
be the consequences.


Children will learn to be honest to themselves and to others as well.


Children will be able to acquire a habit that will help give them strength
not to get disheartened if they have to wait for long to see the results of
their efforts.


They will be able to enhance a sense of endurance that will help them face
inevitable difficulties and sufferings without grumbling.


They will develop a positive attitude and not become conceited over their
success and also will not feel themselves superior to their comrades.

They will be able to appreciate the merits of others and help others to


Children will be able to maintain equilibrium and readiness in success as
well as in failure.


They will be able to strengthen their power to fight continuously till the
final victory, though they may meet with many defeats.


They will adapt a healthy attitude and know how to smile and keep a happy
heart in all circumstances.


They will be able to enhance their will power, pay attention to their
lessons and put effort to understand everything that is told.


Children will learn to be obedient and maintain discipline in their
day-to-day life.


They will develop steady and persistent attitude in their effort, no matter
how long it has to last.


 They will be able to build faith in the future, which is rich and full of
beauty and light.

"Childhood is a symbol of future and the hope of all victories to come."

~~~Whatever mountains stands in your path,
Whatever obstacle blocks your way,
Whatever difficulty immobilized you,
The prayer full of faith can remove it~~~.

~~~Kebahagiaan Hidup Yang Tertinggi Adalah
Keyakinan Yang Diri Kita Dicintai. Cinta
Ibarat Seperti Petir, Anda Tidak Dapat
Meneka Di mana Akan Terjadi, Tahu-tahu
Sudah Terserang~~~


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