Assalamualaikum and Good Day,
It would appear the saga continues.. to a form. Seems hardly fair not to 
continue our commentary...

Thanks and wassalam ...

A M Ubaidah S
Morality Or Dogma: Religous Poli-Posturing Revealed Post DVD Sex-Scandal?
The saga of Datuk Seri Chua Soi Lek's DVD Sex Scandal may appear to have come 
to a satisfying end with his resignation on 2 Jan 2008. However, there now 
comes an aftermath that is providing us with further insight on how our 
political leaders seem to be confused between the truth held by all religions 
on the necessity of the practice of high morals vs. the political need to 
defend religion.

We begin with Datuk Seri Chua Soi Lek's own continuing contribution, 
encapsulated by his own view that his downfall was not due to unacceptable 
loose morals, but rather as, "Some Malaysians can be said to be “holier than 
thou”.Oh, and here I thought Malaysians just had high morals! Isn't that why we 
are so passionate about religion?

And he continues by inferr his downfall was due to the DVD, urging,"... the 
Government .. investigate the source and who is behind the tape so that it does 
not become a practice to cause the downfall of anyone." Sorry la Datuk Seri, I 
think the loose morals you practice have brought you down, the video recording 
was just the mechanism.

The MCA also seems a little confused. From a party that supposedly represents 
the religious interest of Malaysian Chinese in cabinet as so recently 
instructed by Pak Lah to its president, it is, "accepting (Chua Soi Lek's) 
resignation with regret". Regret! I would have thought with relief! Is the 
president of MCA saying that the poor morals of any of his party's leaders are 
acceptable, as long as, "...He is a very effective and hardworking leader"?!?

Ya la, leaders like the good Datuk Seri Chua Soi Lek may be hard working, but 
how can the people TRUST him, if he cheats on his own wife!

The MCA is now condemning the DVD culprits, and unfortunately, the police have 
responded in a funny way. Muar police chief Asst Comm Mohammad Nasir Ramli has 
indicated police in Batu Pahat and Muar will launch a massive operation to nab 
those involved in distribution and in possession of the sex DVDs of Datuk Seri 
Dr Chua Soi Lek. They would even go 'door-to-door'.

WHY?? Please tell me it is part of a wider investigation behind potential 
blackmail or extortion of Datuk Seri Chua Soi Lek. If not, what is so special 
about the DVDs? I know it would probably qualify as a somewhat bizzare form of 
pornography, but then why not focus on Petaling Street (or the equivalent in 
Muar and Batu Pahat). Better still, why not focus on catching Nurin's killers 
or some other criminals first! (Nurin's body was found >100 days ago by the 

The opposition is of course now commenting on this issue with some glee, but 
they seem to have a similarly bizzare take. PAS' Information Chief, Mahfuz 
Omar, in what I assume is a formal view, has urged the police to investigate 
and charge Chua Soi Lek and his 'personal friend' for Oral Sex!

Oral Sex? How does investigating an unknown young lady and her a discgraced 
former federal minister for Oral Sex fit in PAS' nation-building agenda.

Besides, Oral Sex is not forbidden in Islam. In one aspect, it is frowned upon 
(makruh), but it isn't haram. So, why is PAS, a party that is espousing a move 
to Syariah Law asking for non-Muslims to be charged according to 'secular' laws 
for a private act not forbidden by Islam? Isn't that... hypocracy? What... PAS' 
information chief being hypocritical!? But his is a religion based party! 

I suppose PAS is acting a little better than the DAP, which had earlier 
dismissed the issue as a 'private matter'. Such conclusions sort of explain the 
rut they've politically been in for decades...

It is both disconcerting and a relief hence to find Pak Lah getting it right 
this time when he advised,"The rakyat not only want us to carry out our 
responsibilities well and with honesty, they also want their leaders to be 
individuals of good moral standing".

Actually, the 2 wants are indivisible, but at last... some good sense! Now Pak 
Lah has shown he does have an inkling of what the rakyat wants, maybe he can 
also address some confusion in the UMNO ranks, beginning with the local UMNO 
leader who earlier endorsed the acceptance of Chua Soi Lek's apology without 

Well my fellow 'hollier than thou' Malaysians... lets hope we remain moral and 
have such morals inherited by subsequent generations... for with leaders like 

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