please watch this video:

Please help whatever you can.  For those who are not aware where is Chechnya 
then please read here:

and this:


From: hajira qureshi
Sent: Saturday, July 19, 2008 5:13 PM
To: Brothers & Sisters UK
Subject: [rijal] Sponsor us! 20-mile walk for Children of Chechnya

Assalamu Alaikum Everyone,

I hope I find you in the best of health and iman.

This is the last call before our sponsored walk this coming Thursday for
Medical Aid and Relief for the Children of Chechnya (MARCCH). Please
sponsor us...


1. Donate online at:

2. Post a cheque, payable to MARCCH, to: MARCCH, PO Box 22982, London
N10 3EZ

3. Give me the cash/ cheque when you see me (only for those who see me
often) and I will pass it on.

It would help us to guage whether we are reaching our target of £1000 if
you would inform us of your donation. However, this is not essential and
we respect anyone's wish to remain anonymous.


To celebrate the wonderful summer weather, the beautiful English
countryside and our good healths, a small group of us are going to do a
20-mile (32 km) sponsored walk on Wednesday 23rd July. To help others less
fortunate than ourselves, we are raising money for Medical Aid and Relief
for the Children of Chechnya (MARCCH) through our efforts.

MARCCH is a dedicated charity with close links with organisations and
individuals in Chechnya. They work tirelessly to bring aid and medical
relief to the most needy Chechens - in and around Chechnya. With the help
of their donors, MARCCH have, so far, been able to:

-  Provide vital medical equipment and medicines to the main children's
hospital in Grozny.

-  Deliver 300,000 syringes for TB testing to the Chechen health
authorities; TB is rife in Chechnya.

-  Help individuals who otherwise might have been deprived of essential
medical treatment such as the mentally or physically handicapped children.

-  Provide children with prosthetic limbs who lost their arms or legs in
the war.

-  Help an orphanage for Chechen refugees in the neighbouring republic of
Ingushetia with rent, food and clothing.

-  Provide every child in the children's hospital in Grozny who needs it
with an oxygenator.

Currently, MARCCH are looking into building a new wing in the children's
hospital in Grozny to allow mothers to stay with their children. Today, in
Chechnya, women travel long distances every day to visit and be with their
children. Together we hope to raise £1000 for this and other on-going
MARCCH projects iA.

Read more about MARCCH @

They are very worthy of all the help we can give them iA. So please dig
deep, sponsor us and encourage others to do so. Every penny raised will go
directly to children in dire need of medical help. This is a guarantee
from MARCCH.


1. Donate online at:

2. Post a cheque, payable to MARCCH, to: MARCCH, PO Box 22982, London
N10 3EZ

3. Give me the cash/ cheque when you see me (only for those who see me
often) and I will pass it on.

It would help us to guage whether we are reaching our target of £1000 if
you would inform us of your donation. However, this is not essential and
we respect anyone's wish to remain anonymous.


We'll be walking from Slough to Moulsham Green along the Three Castles
Path - through Windsor Great Park, Swinley Park, Windsor Forest
and Blackwater Valley.

We'd like to encourage you to enjoy the sunshine, celebrate the beautiful
countryside and engage in healthy activity. With this in mind, if you
would like to join us for all or part of the way, please do not feel shy
to do so. You will be most welcome.

FINALLY... Please pray for us - that we are successful in our efforts and
that Allah (swt) accepts our efforts.

Jzk & Ws,
Hajira Qureshi :)


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