Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Re: Seks Antara Punca Perceraian

2008-07-09 Terurut Topik Mohsein
Dear Lynn, Yes, I believe that's all that is necessary. Just a bad choice of words, on your part. You have to remember, that when "kekasih" is used, it can imply that you guys aren't married, since you would use "suami" otherwise. And I'm sure that's not what you wanted to say. Mohsein --- In hi

Help Palestine [hidayahnet] Re: Seks Antara Punca Perceraian

2008-07-06 Terurut Topik FITRI
ISH sedehnye teman membaca email kiriman saudari lynnzarina .. inilah salah satu model cara hidup Islam Liberal. Bangga betul dia ada BF arab yer.. bagus sangat ke ader BF arab tu. bukan tu saja.. bangga pulak dia menceritakan cara hidup dia tu yang dah sah-sah menyimpang dari ajaran agama. Ish..