Arent-Jan Banck pushed to branch release/3.0 at cms-community / hippo-essentials

41973b1f by Arent-Jan Banck at 2016-09-14T16:04:20+02:00
ESSENTIALS-986 prepare release hippo-essentials-3.0.1

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201e7b96 by Arent-Jan Banck at 2016-09-14T16:04:25+02:00
ESSENTIALS-986 prepare for next development iteration

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30 changed files:

- dashboard-dependencies/pom.xml
- dashboard/pom.xml
- plugin-sdk/api/pom.xml
- plugin-sdk/implementation/pom.xml
- plugin-sdk/pom.xml
- plugins/banner-and-carousel/pom.xml
- plugins/bean-writer/pom.xml
- plugins/blog/pom.xml
- plugins/content-blocks/pom.xml
- plugins/document-wizard/pom.xml
- plugins/events/pom.xml
- plugins/faq/pom.xml
- plugins/gallery-manager/pom.xml
- plugins/google-maps/pom.xml
- plugins/image-component/pom.xml
- plugins/list/pom.xml
- plugins/menu/pom.xml
- plugins/news/pom.xml
- plugins/poll/pom.xml
- plugins/pom.xml
- plugins/related-documents/pom.xml
- plugins/rest-services/pom.xml
- plugins/robots/pom.xml
- plugins/search/pom.xml
- plugins/selection/pom.xml
- plugins/seo/pom.xml
- plugins/simple-content/pom.xml
- plugins/sitemap/pom.xml
- plugins/skeleton-package/pom.xml
- plugins/tagging/pom.xml

The diff was not included because it is too large.

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