[Histonet] basic IHC guide

2009-12-13 Thread Joao Pessoa
Dear Anthony, You should see 5th edition of the Dako IHC book. Welcome to exciting world of IHC! The URL is here: http://pri.dako.com/08002_ihc_staining_methods_5ed.pdf Joao Histo Tech ___ Histonet mailing list Histonet@lists.utsouthwestern.edu http:/

[Histonet] Array Science

2009-12-13 Thread Joao Pessoa
Have you people heard the company Array Science? I know from my friends they make tissue arrays for many years. Now I can not find information for them, though. I need tissue array slides from them. Thank you! Joao Histo Tech ___ Histonet mailing list

Re: [Histonet] Using acetic acid alone as a fixative

2009-12-13 Thread Bryan Hewlett
Hi Gayle, You are generally correct. Essentially, the only proteins denatured (fixed) by acetic acid are the nucleoproteins. However, 5% aqueous acetic acid has been used as a fixative for chromosomes in fresh material (commonly plant). We used this in school to see mitosis in onion root tip,

RE: SPAM-LOW: Re: [Histonet] Re: alternates to absolute ethanol

2009-12-13 Thread Patsy Ruegg
I buy alcohols from Stat Labs and it seems to be the exact same formula, ethyl with isopropyl, no methanol, it may be the same manufacturer just a different distributer??= Patsy Ruegg, HT(ASCP)QIHC IHCtech 12635 Montview Blvd. Ste.215 Aurora, CO 80045 720-859-4060 fax 720-859-4110 www.ihctech.net


2009-12-13 Thread Patsy Ruegg
Why don't you talk to Ventana about this, I am sure they would arrange something for you in hopes of getting your business. Patsy Patsy Ruegg, HT(ASCP)QIHC IHCtech 12635 Montview Blvd. Ste.215 Aurora, CO 80045 720-859-4060 fax 720-859-4110 www.ihctech.net www.ihcrg.org -Original Message---

RE: SPAM-LOW: [Histonet] basic IHC guide

2009-12-13 Thread Patsy Ruegg
Anthony, You might want to join the NSH IHC Resource Group at www.ihcrg.org online, we are a group of over 500 from all over the world working in IHC. The website, same as where you register has lists of references to use in IHC and a workshop presented by Ethel Macrea on taking the ASCP QIHC exa

RE: [Histonet] fish scales and horse hooves (softening)

2009-12-13 Thread gayle callis
Thank you John. I did a search and found a excellent explanation on different types of fish scales. Having not worked with the species nor their scales, I am now enlightened on scales. As for Margaret's problem, Jane Chladny had a protocol for horse hooves although she used very long processing