Since the literature for BioGenex’s detection reagents for their Xmatrx
Infinity system (XvisTM) indicates use of an ‘enhancing’ reagent prior to
application of the (tertiary) antibody/polymer/enzyme reagent, such a detection
system would be defined as a ‘two-step’ method. In contrast,
Ms. Heckford:
As a cytotechnologist with just a little more than average experience with
immunostaining procedures, I’d like to offer my input. To my knowledge, there
are very few publications that address your concerns. I have, however,
collected/prepared a significant amount of informatio
Dear Ms. Lucas:
Unfortunately, there is no specific CLIA standard that addresses the quantity
of positive/negative specimens that should be tested during the procedure
validation process. As stated in the regulation excerpt shown below (section
2), it is up to each laboratory to establish its
When validating an IHC procedure, regulatory guidelines like CLIA are not
concerned so much with the types of specimens upon which the procedure will be
applied as they are with how appropriately a given procedure detects different
levels of protein expression, which, in turn, usually co
I’m thinking along the same lines as Paula; is it possible that your detection
reagent contains only Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) as there a reactive enzyme?
If so, a peroxide/DAB solution simply won’t react with it. Can’t wait to see
your protocol, with detailed descriptions of the ant
Dr. Cartun:
I’ve worked with the Cellient system in two different labs, with somewhat
disappointing results. Although processing specimens with this system does not
employ cross-linking fixatives like formalin - which should (in theory) be
‘beneficial’ to target antigens, in my experience the r
Unfortunately, there’s no such certification for “molecular biology in
histology” per se; the MB certification offered by the ASCP is generally
pursued by individuals who are already certified as an MT or MLT since these
types of procedures are usually performed in the ‘main lab’ (rather
To All Concerned Parties:
Please to be advised that the antibody to p16 offered by Biocare Medical,
labeled ASR, is still available (in RTU-format only).
Joe Myers, M.S., CT(ASCP)QIHC
Senior Technical Sales Specialist
Biocare Medical
Message: 2
Date: Wed, 13 Mar 2
I’ve used products like the ones referring to in many labs, over many years,
and although it’s difficult to find explicit references stating that Fast Red
(and Fast Blue)-type chromogens are truly hazardous/carcinogenic, like DAB,
these are all very complex chemicals that we, as responsi