Re: [Histonet] Arcturus Laser Capture Microdissection (LCM) Systems

2010-02-16 Thread Percival Karen
KImberly, I have an Arcturus Veritas LCM instrument. Contact Molecular Devices at 1 -800-635-5577. I believe they took over Arcturus business and supply matters, although Arcturus still manufactures the instrument. You can also access them online at Karen >>> "Ki

Re: [Histonet] Does anyone use Rainbow Frost slides from IMEB ?

2010-02-12 Thread Percival Karen
On that note, we don't have a problem with clean slides, but the coverslips are dusty as can be. Any suggestions out there? Karen >>> HistoLab 2/12/2010 12:57 PM >>> Scott, I would be happy to send you samples of our colored end slides or charged slides. Please let me know if you are inte

Re: [Histonet] Bone Marrow clot

2010-02-04 Thread Percival Karen
Gary, absolutely the heparin is the problem. We (histologist) would participate in the bone marrow procedure to make slides immediately with the unheparinized sample. If someone is making those slides for you, they need to use an unheparinized specimen. Of course, that makes the task of slide

RE: [Histonet] Tape/Film Coverslips vs. Glass

2010-02-04 Thread Percival Karen
I've used both over the years, and I love the tape coverslippers. The slides dry very quickly because there is no mounting media step. The tape sticks to the slide via a chemical reaction between the xylene and the tape. One thing to remember with tape, you cannot use recycled xylene as your

Re: [Histonet] New Mouse Project

2010-02-01 Thread Percival Karen
John - FFPE or frozen? I have protocols for most of those. karen >>> John Shelley 2/1/2010 3:32 PM >>> Hi Histonetters, I was just asked to start up a new project and was wondering if anyone out there has used these markers for mouse and where do you purchase them from and what type of p

[Histonet] Re: Stains for Macrophages for Laser CaptureMicrodissection purpose

2010-01-28 Thread Percival Karen
Delphine, I think John is right about identifying the cells by shape. I do LCM, and I perform a rapid hematoxylin stain just for orientation purposes. The total time from fixation to air drying is 7 minutes. Any more time than that, and the RNA is too degraded to get good results from downs

Re: [Histonet] Wright-Giemsa stain

2010-01-25 Thread Percival Karen
Kim, how are you fixing the smear? Make sure to use acetone-free methanol. Are you using a manufactured stain kit? If so, which one? Karen Andover MA >>> "Marshall, Kimberly" 1/22/2010 4:26 PM >>> I am from a small Hospital where due to the size, Histology does the Bone Marrow's. We go

RE: [Histonet] Downtime Procedure

2010-01-20 Thread Percival Karen
At my former place of employment, I had created a downtime procedure to manage computer downtime for my staff which consisted of histotechs, cytotechs, admin staff, and a PA (grossing). I currently do not have a copy of that procedure, but I will try to get it a copy of it from a former colleag

RE: [Histonet] CAP standard for formalin and xyelene testing

2010-01-19 Thread Percival Karen
Some time ago, I had tested each one of my staff doing the same procedures for both formaldehyde and xylene. Procedures included, autostaining, processor changes, staining rack changes, recycling, and disposal procedures. Everyone except for one person was within normal limits. This one perso

Re: [Histonet] shipping slides, elementary question

2010-01-08 Thread Percival Karen
Hi Nicole, I've shipped slides many times in the hinged, cardboard slide boxes. If you wrap bubble wrap around them and use extra bubble wrap or "peanuts" in the shipping container so that the boxes don't move around, you should be fine. Good luck, karen Karen Percival, BS, HT Research Scien