Dear Colleagues,

We do a lot of immunohistochemical stainings (research, no diagnostics), but
unfortunately, we cannot afford an automated stainer. At the moment, we do
everything manually (washing, incubating, ....) but I would like to make
things run more smoothly. So my question is, is there any device or systems
that can be helpful during manual IHC stainings ? 

Thanks in advance for your comments / suggestions.

Met vriendelijke groeten,

Prof. dr. Wim Van den Broeck, DVM, MSc, PhD
Cell biology and Histology
Department of Morphology - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Ghent University
Salisburylaan 133, B-9820 Merelbeke, BELGIUM - tel.: +32 9 264 77 16 - fax: +32 9 264 77 90


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