Re: [Histonet] Treponema tissue blocks

2024-10-01 Thread Whitaker, Bonnie via Histonet
Just speaking for myself, the work is piling up, and the older I get, the slower I seem to move. I am still here, but just not a lot of time for the fun things! Bonnie Whitaker Ohio State University AP Operations Director 614-366-7883 (My normal workdays are Tuesday-Friday.) -Original Me

Re: [Histonet] certified/uncertified

2024-03-27 Thread Whitaker, Bonnie via Histonet
Hi Nancy, If someone is certification eligible, we hire them into the same position (for us it's a C2 level Histotechnologist) and they have one year to get certified. The pay would be the bottom off the range, with a raise when they obtain their certification. If they don't have the requisite

Re: [Histonet] Biopsy formalin fixation times

2023-06-14 Thread Whitaker, Bonnie via Histonet
But with that, you can consider formalin time after grossing, and on p;rocessor to equal those times. Bonnie Whitaker AP Operations Director Office: 614-293-8418 Mobile: 614-313-0484 -Original Message- From: Thomas Podawiltz via Histonet Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2023 11:18 AM To: Ver

Re: [Histonet] Question about 72 hour upper fixation time for HER2

2023-05-05 Thread Whitaker, Bonnie via Histonet
Well, I would worry much less about over-fixation than I would under-fixed tissues. Do you not have the option to have a weekend processing schedule that runs RT formalin? Is your volume sufficient you could do an analysis of weekend vs non-weekend ER, PR, HER2 rates and see if they are statis

Re: [Histonet] Tissue Processor Schedule Validations

2023-03-23 Thread Whitaker, Bonnie via Histonet
Put in two cassettes of resection tissue that are cut to mimic biopsy sizes/tissue (colon resection for colon bx, liver resection for liver bx, etc. Bonnie Whitaker Ohio State University AP Operations Director 614-293-8418 -Original Message- From: Cooper, Brian via Histonet Sent: Thur

Re: [Histonet] Expired Tissue Blocks

2023-01-12 Thread Whitaker, Bonnie via Histonet
Caution to all--make sure your patients have signed consent forms that will include this use of their tissue. Bonnie Whitaker Ohio State University AP Operations Director 614-293-8418 -Original Message- From: Ken M via Histonet Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2023 3:44 PM To: histonet@lis


2023-01-12 Thread Whitaker, Bonnie via Histonet
It depends on who your most stringent governing body is. If you have a lab in NY, or that takes specimens from NY, it's 20 years for both. For CAP it's 10 years. There may be other states that have more stringent rules, etc. Bonnie Whitaker Ohio State University AP Operations Director 614-29

Re: [Histonet] Technical/Performing

2022-05-04 Thread Whitaker, Bonnie via Histonet
We use the lab location in the header, and the pathologists have different log ones that list where they did the professional below their electronic signature. Get Outlook for iOS From: Abbott, Tanya via Histonet Sent: Wednesday, May 4, 202

[Histonet] Ohio State University job openings

2021-05-10 Thread Whitaker, Bonnie via Histonet
Hi All, We currently have an Evening/Night Supervisor position open, in the OSU Clinical Histology Lab. The hours are generally 4:30 PM-1:00 AM. If you are interested, please email Robyn Mulhall with your resume'. Her email address is

[Histonet] slide printer

2020-08-25 Thread Whitaker, Bonnie via Histonet
Hi All, I am posting this for a friend. Any info would be appreciated. Any way we are looking at several slide printer options and wondered the following: 1) What are you using? 2) Did you first try any other vendors besides the one you are using now? 3) Do you like what you a

Re: [Histonet] Distilled Water vs DI water for IHC and H&E staining

2016-07-28 Thread Whitaker, Bonnie via Histonet
Hi Charles, You will need to give it a try, in order to know for sure. Water quality is EXTREMELY variable, from community to community, and even the pipes, etc., within in your building can influence the water quality. The chemicals used by the local water district can also vary, based upon th

Re: [Histonet] Hoods

2016-05-24 Thread Whitaker, Bonnie via Histonet
Check with you facilities management staff, if you are in a hospital or university setting. If you are in a private lab, contact whomever you contract for HVAC issues. If they can't provide the service, they can likely recommend someone. Good luck! Bonnie Sent with Good ( Bonnie