Hello All,
We are in process of optimization/validation of CMV. Does anyone have any
controls to help us in the validation process? I may have some control tissue
to trade for another stain.
Any help appreciated.
Lisa White, HT(ASCP)
Supervisory HT
James H. Quillen VAMC
We did use freeze spray in the cryostat years ago. Then one fateful day we all
had to go on protocol for exposure to TB because a resident sprayed a lung with
the freeze spray and there you go. There is a turn around time for frozen
sections we are all working with, HOWEVER it is not worth the
Hello all,
Does anyone know of a container with lid that has cork in the bottom? This
would be utilized to pin out gross specimens for fixation. If so can you send
me vendor info?
Lisa White, HT(ASCP)
James H. Quillen VAMC
Histonet mailing list
Does anyone have the recipe for making cell blocks with Thrombin and Plasma?
We made them at my first Histo job, oh say over 20 years ago but I do not
remember the ratio.
Thanks bunches,
Histonet mailing list
We have recycled here for over 14 years. The cost of the recycling unit is not
small. It will take a while to recoup the cost. We have found that xylene
recycles well. The substitutes are not infinitely recyclable. The biggest
savings is that you are not paying to have drums of xylene picke
Have they tried not using any pads? Our biopsies (GI, Needle Core,
Prostate etc.) are just in the formalin specimen bottle. We don't have
any issues with the "free floating" specimens. I have worked at several
labs and never seen specimens routinely submitted on a gauze or pad.
Just a thought.
We have had failure of IHC on CD-20 when fixed in Davidson's. So it is
possible. The only thing to do is validate all stains you will use with
the Davidson's.
Lisa White
Histonet mailing list
Does anyone have a source to purchase GATA3 IHC (+) control slides?
Merry Christmas to all the hard working Pathology Superhero's out there
for getting the unknowing public quality healthcare for another year J
Histonet mailing list
I am not aware of any regulation to use gloves to section.
However I do use them to section on the microtome, I got really tired of
picking human out from under my fingernails.
The other 4 HT that I work with do not use them on standard microtome
CJD would be the only exception
We have a list target of 30 blocks per hour. However we don't track
There are so many distractions incoming frozen sections, phone calls,
drying, loading/unloading a stainer/coverslipper, loading/unloading the
IHC stainer, loading/unloading the special stainer, pathologist with
10 matches
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