
I did a Picrosirius red stain using the polysciences kit in paraffin section 
cut at 4microns. The stain looks great. Later on my boss asked me to do the 
picro using the same kit but in frozen section. The stain looks very, very 
intense. Sections are really red. When looking under the brightfield microscope 
there is not yellow, the entire tissue is red. Under the polarized microscope, 
we can see the fiber but no  like the paraffin sections. Does anybody have come 
across this situation before? Does the picrosirius stain only works for 
paraffin sections? I will appreciate any feedback on the matter. I have been 
searching online for a protocol of Picrosirius stain for frozens, but no luck. 

Thank you in advance,

Yoanna Bello 

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