Good Morning,

I know that there are many people out there that have a passion to teach what 
they know and we would very much like to put a call out to those who would be 
interested in presenting a workshop or two at our 2016 Florida Society for 
Histotechnology Annual meeting in the beautiful gulf coast area of St. 
Petersburg FL on May19-22, 2016 at the St. Pete Bayfront Hilton. We will have 
two and half days' worth of lecture time, starting with our popular 
Administrator and Supervisor Forum, the whole day HT preparedness workshop for 
students or those who are planning on taking their HT/HTL certification through 
ASCP. Please consider this great venue and submit your abstracts.

We are interested in topics on special stains, IHC, In Situ, Lean, billing, 
safety, digital pathology, ergonomics, cytology, CAP/CLIA inspection tips, 
leadership and any other topic that is relevant to today's histology 
laboratory. Please send abstract to John Shelley at<>. I look forward 
to your submissions. Vendor submissions welcomed!

Our plan will be to notify you by late December to early January so please keep 
your calendars open until you hear back from us.

Kind Regards!

John J Shelley
2014 - 2016 FSH President

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