
I have recently began using the Anti-NuMA primary antibody to distinguish the 
human mesechymal stem cells that I am delivering to the rat heart. Anti-NuMA 
recognizes human nuclear mitotic apparatus protein. I have tried two secondary 
antibodies: Alexa Fluor 488 and FITC (Jackson immunoresearch code 715-095-150) 
and have positively stained human mesenchymal stem cells put on glass 
coverslips with both secondary antibodies. However, when I look at the sections 
of my rat heart that I have delivered human mesenchymal stem cells to, I get a 
lot of autofluorescence and no positive signal (counterstained with Hoechst and 
the hMSCs are Quantum Dot loaded). The sections were fixed in 4% 
paraformaldehyde right after the animal was euthanized and heart removed. The 
heart was then frozen in OCT and sectioned. I have tried changing the 
concentration of both the secondary's and primary's already (within the 
manufacturer's specs). My question is: what secondary antibodies do you 
recommend? Does anyone have experience with this primary?

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