Halloween story of a 'tech' who lacked a certificate.
T'was a Sunday, and he, a student at the age of 24,  was "ON" for the weekend 
covering blood bank, chemistry, and hematology.  A call came in for a unit of 
blood for a Friday surgical - just to bring the patient up to speed.  He, for 
reasons never given, decided to practice  'crossing' by doing up 10 units - all 
of which passed.  One he sent to the patient.  Two hours later he received a 
call for another unit, because, as he was informed, his hematocrit was 
unchanged.  What did he do?

Frederick C. Monson, PhD
Technical Director
Center for Microanalysis and Imaging, Research and Training (CMIRT)
West Chester University of Pennsylvania
Schmucker Science South - Room SSS-024
MailDrop:  Geology-Astronomy
750 South Church Street
West Chester, PA, 19383

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