AW: [Histonet] FISH on B.M.

2009-11-01 Thread Gudrun Lang
, 01. November 2009 10:50 An: Betreff: [Histonet] FISH on B.M. Helo all, We do FISH assay on FFPE tissue with "spot light tissue pretreatment" of invitrogen. It do works on most of the tissues, but not on Bone Marrow tissue. Do you have any idea?

[Histonet] FISH on B.M.

2009-11-01 Thread birnbaumm
Helo all, We do FISH assay on FFPE tissue with "spot light tissue pretreatment" of invitrogen. It do works on most of the tissues, but not on Bone Marrow tissue. Do you have any idea? Thanks Dr. Miriam Birnbaum Pathology Asaf Hrofeh Medical Center Israel