Hello Histo Land:

I am the new IHC manager for a research lab which works primarily with animal 
tissue and we are moving towards GLP compliance for our department. We have an 
extremely large client base which consists of Big Pharma, private research 
companies, universities, etc…  We are in the process of updating our SOW and 
SOP forms, Stain line maintenance forms, solution stainer change logs, etc…  

I have a question regarding documenting lot #’s for our hematoxylin 
counterstain protocol for IHC's.  Do any of you who are GLP compliant document 
lot numbers for your alcohols and xylenes?  Our director and QA officer would 
like to incorporate documenting lot numbers for alcohols and xylenes.  Our 
histology department who is GLP certified only documents their lot numbers for 
Hematoxylin, Eosin, Bluing solution and High Def solutions for their H&E stain 
line.  They currently do not document lot numbers for  alcohols and xylenes.   
I have primarily worked for Clinical pathology labs, who did not document lot 
numbers for alcohols or xylenes.  Please let me know if you do.

Eileen (Akemi) Allison, BS, HT/HTL (ASCP)
Manager – IHC Department
HistoTox Labs, Inc.
2108 55th St. Suite 120
Boulder, CO 80301
Cell: 408-335-9994
www.histotoxlabs.com <https://histotoxlabs.com/>
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