NJSH 2009 Fall Meeting and Member Appreciation Day
Monday, November 2nd
Location: New Jersey Hospital Association & Conference Center
Address: 760 Alexander Road Princeton, NJ 08543
Phone: 609-275-4000
Meeting Schedule:
8:00-9:00 Registration and Continental Breakfast
9:00-12:15 AM Session
12:15-1:15 LUNCH
1:15-4:30 PM Session
AM SESSION: "Review of Basic Theories of Histotechnology" 
Linda Foster-Brown, MS, HTL(ASCP) AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals,
Wilmington, Delaware 
This workshop will serve as a review for working Histologists to help
them deal effectively with the daily operations of the histology
laboratory. It will also serve as overview for the registry eligible
candidates preparing for the HT/HTL registry exam. Topics that will be
covered include histological theories on the following: lab safety,
fixation, processing, microtomy, and staining, as well as registry
eligibility requirements.
PM SESSION: "Troubleshooting Automated Special Stains" 
Debra Cobb, MBA, HT (ASCP) Manager of R&D, Artisan 
In today's world of automation in the Histology Laboratory,
troubleshooting special stains and adjusting the workflow has become
more complicated. This workshop will address the common issues such as:
Background staining on slides, Debris on Slides, Uneven staining, Stain
too dark/too light, Workflow, Turn around Time, and will address the
statement "This doesn't happen when I stain manually!" This speaker is
sponsored by DAKO.
AM SESSION: "Where Do I Find That Antibody & What Do I Do With It Once I
Have It?" 
Christine 'Charlie' Dorner, HT(ASCP) Dako Applications Specialist -
In the ever changing world of IHC, there are new antibodies and clones
being developed every day by many different sources. This seminar will
first cover the various ways of locating and obtaining antibodies and
different formats that they are available in. Additional discussion will
center on choosing Monoclonal or polyclonal antibodies, picking the
right detection kit, and use of additional blocking or enhancements.
Participants will then learn what to do with new antibodies once they
are in their lab including optimization, troubleshooting, deciding on
proper control and testing materials and record keeping. Upon completion
of this course, the participants will have ideas to aide in the
development and structure of an antibody development program for their
facility. This speaker is sponsored by DAKO.
PM SESSION: "Ethics in Imaging" 
Anne Lewin, BS, HT(ASCP)QIHC Bristol-Myers Squibb, Princeton, NJ 
A growing concern in the scientific community is the ease in which image
manipulation can occur. Something that used to be done in a darkroom is
now processed digitally, and there are many powerful image editing
programs available. Data can be highlighted or erased with ease, and in
the case of histology samples, colors can be changed or created in an
image. A potential pit-fall is that an image can be altered in an
unethical manner without the person realizing it. Many times an image
will be "cleaned up" and important data will be lost or altered. In the
case of immunohistochemical analysis, when cell number counts are used
for statistical significance, attempting to get a nicer picture could
skew the raw data points by missing weakly positive cells or by counting
background staining as positive. This workshop will look into the
history of image manipulation and the credibility issues journalists
have faced since the early days of photography. We will then move onto
the many options for digital image capture. Most scientific journals
have very few guidelines as to what sorts of digital manipulations are
acceptable when preparing a manuscript for submission. Examples of image
adjustments will be presented, and potential digital imaging guidelines
will be discussed. 
An extensive list of directions can be found on the NJHA Conference
Center Website:
Please park in the rear of the building! 
This meeting is brought to you in part by:
DAKO North America, Inc.
NJSH 2009 Fall Meeting Registration Form
Mail in Registration Deadline: October 20th
Please register early as classroom space is limited!
Walk in registrations will be accepted if space is available for an
additional $20 fee.
NAME: ______________________________________________ 
ADDRESS: ___________________________________________ 
PHONE NUMBER: ____________________________________ 
Please provide your E-MAIL address to receive confirmation of your
Please put an X in the room you would like to attend in each session. 
Cost of Registration: $75, Students $35
Registration Fee includes attendance to an AM and PM session,
Continental Breakfast, and a generous Buffet Lunch! 
Students will be asked to present a valid student ID at the registration
Please make your check payable to NJSH and mail with your form to:
Michele French
1711 Diamond Street
Sellersville, PA 18960
The NJSH would like to express our sincere thanks to DAKO for providing
funding for the Continental Breakfast and for sponsoring two of our
speakers. Representatives will be available throughout the day to answer
your questions about their products and services. Be sure to let them
know that you appreciate their support!

Pedro Louro, MBA 
Vice President and Co-Chair Membership Committee 
New Jersey Society for Histotechnology (NJSH) 
Ph. 908-473-4501 

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