the past I have been consulted for lost of DAB staining in IHC when using acid
alcohol to differentiate hematoxylin.
my Latitude tap water is enough for bluing hematoxylin but I think that you
need something else.Trizma Base is a good bluing agent when tap water is not
good enough.Just p
Wow these are awesome, thanks everybody for feedback! So appreciated
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> On Oct 2, 2014, at 7:05 PM, "Tony Henwood (SCHN)"
> wrote:
> The increased eosinophilia, in this scenario, is usually due to
> over-decalcification.
> I would suggest:
> *Treat sections wit
The increased eosinophilia, in this scenario, is usually due to
I would suggest:
* Treat sections with 1% Periodic acid (as used in the PAS stain) for 10
minutes before Haematoxylin staining.
* Use an iron-haematoxylin or Celestine blue-Haematoxylin
* d
What Hazel is saying is true but with acid decalcifiers i.e. formic, nitric
or HCl. These acids damage nucleic acids aka acid hydrolysisand if the
decalcification is not controlled by endpoint testing, then the nuclei will
appear pale and in some cases, don't stain at all ("over-decalcification").
When the bones are over decaled there will be very little hematoxylin staining
and too much eosin. You can use a buffer before the hematoxylin to aid the
hematoxylin in staining. I think one/two dip(s) in eosin will be sufficient.
Hazel Horn
Supervisor of Histology/Autopsy/Transcription