
What type of slide you have the H&E staining?  Charged or uncharged?
Tissue section will most likely fall off after the antigen retrieval.

Try this;
1)  Remove cover slip from H&E slide
2)  Hydrate your tissue slide
3)  Bake H&E slide overnight in the oven @ 60c - 65c (over the weekend
will be better; Not recommend for ER/PR, & HER2)
4) Load to Leica Bond with ER2 for 20 min & (or your usual protocol)

This should work because I have done it many times in different labs
(you might lost some tissues, but most of them should stay on the
slide (manufacture dependant).

Good Luck!
Madeleine Huey BS, HTL (ASCP) QIHC
Supervisor - Pathology (IPOX & Histology)

From: Jonathan Cremer <>
From: "Virginia Chladek" <>
Subject: [Histonet] Destain/Restain

I need your help-

My doc needs me to destain an h&e slide to run a ck5 on the Bond3, how
can I do this without the tissue falling off? I ran the slide back down
from xylene to water and destained, then introduced the slide to bond
wash before starting the protocol in bond wash again and lost the
tissue. Any suggestions?


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