FYI... This is from Todays Fierce Pharma Report:
Today's Top Stories

1. Roche to cut jobs in "California cowboys" deal
By Tracy Staton  Comment |  Forward
Deal dissection of the day, No. 1: Now that Genentech has finally conceded to 
Roche's buyout plans, the postgame analysis begins. As we all know after months 
of following the possibility of a deal, preserving innovation at Genentech is 
job one. Next on the priority list comes cost-cutting. But neither of those 
goals will kick in if shareholders don't tender, so we're hearing plenty about 
their opinions. Here's a sampling of the predictions, prognositications, and 
pushy advice:

Roche plans to shed more than 1,500 jobs in New Jersey and relocate major 
operations to California as part of the Genentech takeover. Some 1,600 
researchers and scientists will stay behind in Nutley, NJ. But the company is 
redoing its campus master plan to figure out what to do with all the vacant 
buildings that are left. And who's first in line for the job cuts? None other 
than sales and marketing, the Star-Ledger says.

After years of partnership, Roche and Genentech are already close. Merging 
their drug portolios should be a snap, New York Times DealBook says. But their 
cultures are almost diametrically opposed: Roche is Swiss; 
trains-running-on-time, precision-watchmaking Swiss. Genentech, as one Silicon 
Valley venture capitalist put it, "are a bunch of entrepreneurial California 
cowboys." Get the image? Then you see the problem.

Roche execs may be guzzling celebratory champagne (somehow we can't imagine it, 
but it's possible). But along with its buyout of Genentech's promising pipeline 
come worries about payer reimbursements. President Obama's push for 
comparative-effectiveness research could leave some Genentech drugs struggling, 
BusinessWeek reports. Some previous head-to-head studies have shown the 
benefits of expensive cancer biologics are small; if that trend continues, the 
bottom line could suffer.

Akemi Allison-Tacha BS, HT (ASCP) HTL
Phoenix Lab Consulting
Specializing in Histology, SS, IHC, & TMA
Tele: (425) 941-4287

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