Hi every body,

I would like to get your keen ideas about two issues I am facing now in my 
immunohistochem. procedure:

1- I am using goat anti rabbit Alexa 594 (red) as secondary antibody for 
detecting C-Fos in rat nervous system. When I am looking at the slides, it 
seems always I have some residues of my
Alexa remained on the surface all over the section. I've added one extra quick 
wash in every washing steps ( Using PBS+TX100). But still they are exist. Is 
any body has suggestion to improve the quality of the picture and get ride of 
these residues?

2- I need some suggestions for detecting VIP in spinal cord and DRG. In first 
place it is not easy to count the cells which are expressed VIP. Do you think I 
should go for ratio of the expression?,
Second satellite cells in DRG make it so hard to determine VIP expression is 
belong to them or neurones!, I was thinking to use HuC/HuD to facilitate 
procedure, Is there any other suggestions out there?

 By the way I will be so appreciate if any one address me a nice picture of VIP 
expression in DRG. I would like to see how it look like in intact animal ( 
preferably rat). Unfortunately, most of the articles have black and white/ or 
poor pictures.

Thanks for your valuable time,

Leila :-)

Leila Etemadi
M.Sc., Ph.D Candidate
Neuronano Research Center (NRC)
Lund University, BMC F10

Tel: +46-46-2221503
E-mail: leila.etem...@med.lu.se<mailto:leila.etem...@med.lu.se>

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