Hi All:
I am having difficulty sectioning mouse gastro. muscle.  They were brought to 
lab in 4-5mls(not enough fix) of 10%nbf for 3 days.  Processed for over 8 
hours(vacuum from 95% to Paraffin everyother station) .  The tissue will not 
section.  The white area appears once surfaced inidicating tissue was not well 
processed or fixed completely.  Has anyone experience what the next step would 
be to do?  Was the tissue not well infiltrated with paraffin for it not to 
section?  Is the tissue overprocessed?  Should I go back & reprocess with 
paraffin only?  Any help........
Dina D. Gaupp, BS, MT
Senior Lab Supervisor
Center for Gene Therapy, SL-99
Tulane University Health Science Center
1430 Tulane Ave
New Orleans, La 70112
Lab: 504-988-1194
dga...@tulane.edu <mailto:dga...@tulane.edu> 
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