Donna, I would take the powder coating off with a paint stripper, try 
sectioning, if happy have the holder electro plated which will be a conductive 
coating that will protect the base metal from corrosion. Cost under $20.
BR........ Alan Bright, BIC...Cambs..UK

Sent from my iPhone

> On 30 Sep 2014, at 02:53, Donna Maney <> wrote:
> I have a Leica SM2000 microtome, circa 2004, that has recently developed an 
> issue with the dry ice tray. Up until this year, we've never had any problems 
> with the specimen adhering to the platform. But suddenly we cannot cut 
> specimens because they easily become dislodged. We use 30% sucrose to stick 
> the specimen to the dry ice tray. When we borrow a dry ice tray from another 
> lab, the problem goes away.
> Our dry ice tray is powder coated and we can see the the coating is rubbing 
> away, but it does not seem to be coming off with the specimen. Rotating the 
> tray so that the specimen is attached at a different location on the platform 
> does not help. We have cleaned the dry ice tray with hot soapy water, rinsed 
> with distilled water and then with ethanol. 
> Leica told me that the new trays do not have this powder coating, which makes 
> me think they know about a problem, but the person I spoke to on the phone 
> was not aware of one.
> I'd be glad to hear from anyone who has experienced the same thing or who has 
> suggestions. A new tray will cost $500-$1000 so I'd like to troubleshoot with 
> this one to the extent that it is appropriate.
> Thanks,
> Donna
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