Last year I was lucky to be a part of a medical mission in Belize. While there 
I assisted a dermatologist. This year we are looking for an additional derm dr. 
(maybe one who feels comfortable reading out slides) and a plastic surgeon to 
expand on the medical part. There are family practice and ER docs who also are 
part of the team.
On the dental side - there are already numerous dentists and dental techs and 
hygienists who participate. We also have audiologists and occupational 
Dates for the trips are in the fall near the end of October and beginning of 
If anybody knows of a dermatologist or plastic surgeon please ask them to 
contact me.
Belize is a beautiful country and the people are lovely and very friendly. This 
project is well organized and is well received by Belizeans. Web site is


Andi Grantham
U of A, Dept of Cellular and Molecular Medicine
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