Of course not every method works everywhere....here is what I do for myself. 
I use a mix of MTB blocks with some single tissue when scarcity of tissue makes 
this sensible. The MTB blocks are based on the IHC panels  Make own MTB blocks 
, feel too expensive to buy for me right now,  but might make sense for others. 
I don't have a micro array tool right now so I do my own improvisingAssign 
control cutting as a rotated duty. Keep a log of the source block and the 
number of control slides prepared, (after awhile this helps in cutting down on 
pulling incorrect controls too)Breast markers, other finicky- refrigerate, (Her 
2 - date and use within 6 weeks per CAP) other controls at room temperature in 
labeled slide boxes. I keep the current control with the slides in the box 
until it is exhaustedCut more slides for MTB blocks,   less of not often 
requested or single tissue controls- could set  stock or par numbers,  but 
haven't needed to do this yetI have controls in the SOP and a table in excel of 
the current controls, but you can also write it on a copy of the request form 
beside the name of the AB and tape it up if it changes oftenPeople should be 
able to pull the correct controls from that, and they are required to check the 
stain under the 'scope anyhow, so hopefully that would assist in keeping the 
wrong control from going out 
I am kind of picky about the record-keeping, but in the end I feel it saves 
more time than not.

Joelle Weaver MAOM, HTL (ASCP) QIHC
> From: timothy.mor...@ucsfmedctr.org
> To: histonet@lists.utsouthwestern.edu
> Date: Wed, 4 Dec 2013 17:45:43 +0000
> Subject: [Histonet] On-slide IHC control workflow?
> We are planning our move to using on-slide controls for IHC and I'm wondering 
> how other labs handle the workflow and logistics of matching controls to 
> stain orders.
> We plan to use a TMA for 80% of our orders. So far we have one TMA that 
> covers most Ab's but the number will probably will be expanded 
> (neuropath-specific, Hempath specific, etc).
> For those who do this now, how do you handle these tasks:
> *         Do you use TMA or single-tissue controls? Or a mix?
> *
> *         Cutting all the controls - one or more techs? Part of normal work? 
> Outsource? (especially TMA cutting - inhouse or outsource?)
> *         How do you store the controls? (We plan to cut nearly just-in-time, 
> maybe two days from use).
> *         How do you distribute to the cutters?
> *         How do you Indicate to the cutting techs which control slide to use 
> for a particular stain? (we use over 200 antibodies so need to make as easy 
> as possible without memorization)
> *         How do you prevent the wrong control slide from being used?
> Anything else we should consider?
> Thanks for any help!!
> Tim Morken
> Supervisor, Electron Microscopy and Neuromuscular Special Studies
> UC San Francisco Medical Center
> Box 1656
> 505 Parnassus Ave
> San Francisco, CA 94143
> 415.353.1266  (office)
> tim.mor...@ucsfmedctr.org<mailto:tim.mor...@ucsfmedctr.org>
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