
The Brady labeling system is good but we opted for something that prints
directly on cassettes, slides, etc. to get around the peel and stick label
system, which not only is more work, it also introduces another concern for
mislabeling.  They are a lot more expensive but in the busy lab and with our
constant concerns for labeling errors this is the way we went, we got the
Leica labeling system which interfaces with the specimen logging system so
that a sample is logged once and from that all labels for cassettes, blocks,
reports, everything are generated.


Patsy Ruegg, HT(ASCP)QIHC
12635 Montview Blvd. Ste.215
Aurora, CO 80045
fax 720-859-4110

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Barone,
Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2010 11:21 AM
Subject: SPAM-LOW: [Histonet] Laboratory Labeling Systems...
Importance: High

Histonetters....What are your thoughts: 
We are getting ready to purchase a labeling system for our Core
Facility. We have limited $'s and have demo'ed three systems. We have
many different projects,with varying numbers of samples, blocks and
slides. We would like to cover the widest amount of needs, with the
system....not just cassettes and slides, but samples in freezers to
antibodies we have alloquotted. We are about to purchase a two-D
bar-coding system that can label everything we need and work with our
present EXCEL data bases.  We are leaning toward a Brady System, where
we can purchase individually the parts we need for labeling cassettes to
eppy's and we especially like that they... not only have a label that
can be attached to frozen vials... but that there are several types of
scanners available for the different stations in our lab. This system
meets our CER requirements and is up-gradable for adding more stations
if needed at alater time. 
Sounds too good to be that is where you all come in. 
Is anyone using a Brady Labeling System? Good? Bad? Problems? What are
your thoughts?  Thanks for the impromptu survey. We plan to order in
August, if there are no "big" issues, with those that use it. We demo's
the labels and are happy with them. We are going alpha numeric/2-D...3
lines of text, is needed for our research work. Thanks for your
C. Barone
Director Histotechnology Core Lab
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