Need access to job_id from session state

                 Key: HIVE-247
             Project: Hadoop Hive
          Issue Type: Improvement
          Components: Query Processor
         Environment: Hadoop 0.19.0, Hive trunk
            Reporter: Edward Capriolo
            Priority: Minor

When using the CLI the tracking URL and kill command are printed to the console:

Starting Job = job_200901231237_0001, Tracking URL = 
Kill Command = /opt/hadoop/hadoop-0.19.0/bin/../bin/hadoop job  
-Dmapred.job.tracker=hadoop1.jointhegrid.local:54311 -kill job_200901231237_0001

The ExecDriver has a static Map ExecDriver.runningJobKillURIs. The 
HiveSessionManager used in the HWI is spawning multiple SessionState instances 
inside one JVM. There is no way to determine the jobid from the SessionState. 
As a result, I do not have access to the job id and can not kill it.

Preliminary suggestions:
* Add another static accessible structure to ExecDriver that can relate job_id 
to a session.
* Have exec driver set the current running job_id inside HiveConf so the 
CLISession is aware of the job id.

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